Dear Sam #1
I'm writing my first letter to my new sponsor child Sam. One of the questions they suggests is "what do you want to do when you grow up". I'm not sure what his answer will be, but I am sure if I asked my sunday school kids, the answer will undoubtedly be different.I am currently pondering which job I should take out of the offers that I have been given, or to continue to apply and wait for an ideal offer. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, people are struggling to keep afloat given the recent financial crisis, or trying to simply stay alive in war-torn countries. There are those wandering around in our community with serious mental health issues that prohibits them from gaining employment. There are struggling single mothers/fathers. There are children who are forced to be adults.
This is absolutely ludicrous. There is such disparity in the world, and here we are worrying about first world problems. Everyday we hear of new charities, new things to donate time and money towards. It may seem overwhelming and we might forget certain causes after they are out of the media spotlight. Or you may think you have already done your part by donating $X amount each year towards X charity.
BUT OUR WORK IS NEVER FINISHED. Why doesn't God just automatically teleport every christian to heaven as soon as they believe? Isn't it because this is the time of grace and there are some things we can only do on this side of heaven. We give because we love, and we love, because Christ loved us. Let's meet the physical needs of those around us and win one more for Jesus!