主是我力量- The Lord is my strength

00:05:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Again the coast has been ravaged with rains for the past week. It's been dreary and raining heavily. This time last year, floods engulfed the state of Queensland. Houses were ruined, people were left homeless, businesses were forced to close. Yet through the storm, the people united, thousands of volunteers took up shovels, brooms and hammers and helped to rebuild our great state. Through the devastation, God provided hope.

This time every year, when the rain pours down, we will remember the floods. Yet, we are blessed with the promise that God will never again destroy the earth with floods. His love is eternal, his promises are true.

Chinese- English TRANSLATION by kikoprincess
The Lord is my strength and power

主是我力量我力量 [The lord is my strength and power]
主是患難中力量 [He is my strength in trouble]
主是我幫助我幫助 [He is my help, my aid]
主是隨時幫助 [He is always there to help me]
主是避難所我避難所 [The lord is my refuge, my refuge]
主是堅固避難所 [He is a sturdy refuge]
主是我力量我幫助 [He is my strength and my help]
惟主是避難所 [Only He is my refuge]

#大地雖會改變 [Although the earth may change]
高山雖會搖動 [Although the mountains may shake]
大海翻騰 大浪顫抖 [The seas may churn and the waves tremble]
但我們卻不害怕 [But I will not be afraid]
喂哦 喂哦 喂哦 喂哦

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