My bad boyfriend- makes for a good husband?

11:18:00 Kikoprincess 2 Comments

I have wanted to be a university lecturer for a long time. Inspired by The Thesis Whisperer who is giving a talk tomorrow about thesis completion (

Many university students in Australia are about to attend their first lectures. I remember my first few weeks of university. I had obtained a residential scholarship to stay in university housing and was fortunate enough to have met some peers who would be attending some of my lectures. Being an absolute nerd, I had made sure I knew where my classes would be, bought my textbooks and had a look at the course content before the semester started.

Worth it all...

21:16:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

I've been so tired lately. It's as if all I do is eat, sleep and work. And even still, I am still lagging in my progress. But somehow, God revives me everyday. Somehow I've been blessed with strength.

Dear friends, hopefully I will have freedom in a couple of months. But over the past few weeks I have been considering my options post graduation. I've been at college for almost a decade and although I have worked throughout my studies, I haven't really held a permanent full time position. And although I have helped create business ventures in the past I have never had my own business. Now I'm at cross-roads. I don't know what God intends for me to do, I don't know where my own preferences lie. They say the world is my oyster- I could apply for positions abroad, interstate and even in different cities. I can apply for various different roles.

Movie Review: The notebook (2004)

21:58:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Movie summary:
An old man volunteers to read a story to an old lady at an old people's home. The story is about how wildly in love a young poor chap is with a rich young woman. And how they wrote their own love story.

Happy Vday!

14:13:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Happy Vday! I hope that you don't only experience hope from your significant other, but also an eternal love that lasts.



This is from:

"Everyone longs to give themselves to someone-- to have a deep soul relationship with another -- to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But to a Christian, God says, "No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled, and content with being loved by Me alone-- with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me. I love you, my child. And until you discover that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found, you will not be capable of the perfect human relationship I have planned for you. 

Movie review: Letters to God

10:06:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Movie Summary: Tyler writes to God. In his letters, he writes to God about the people in his life, he prays for their salvation, he prays for their wellbeing. But Tyler is very ill with cancer. But his letters to God are prayers and his prayers begin to influence those around him to search for something more meaningful.