Waiting can be a blessing

09:40:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Impatience is one of my worst qualities. Sometimes I hate waiting in line. I look at my watch while waiting, waiting waiting. 
I had planned to spend a day by myself at disneyland- the happiest place on earth. But as it turns out, some distant cousins were also in LA for the weekend and I ended up visiting both california adventure park and disneyland with them. It was my cousins birthday too, so it was a little treat. We headed out quite late in the day because we couldn't find the entrance, so by the time we entered the park it was already about noon (it opens at 8am during the summer). There were people EVERYWHERE! 
Each ride took about 2 hours to line up for, so we only had time for a few rides. But it was such a blessing to be able to visit disneyland with this family. They impressed upon me a Godly love and family love like I have never seen. As we waited in line (in the summer heat, 100+ F), we sang christian songs, we played games together, took pictures, shared testimonies. We even bought some food and enjoyed a meal while waiting. 

I am greatly encouraged by this experience. There is a future that I cannot see, I don't know what is ahead. But we can enjoy the wait. Standing there idly would be boring. Instead, we can make the most of the wait!

James 5:7-8 
Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near.

Review: I kissed Dating Goodbye III

21:34:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Review: I kissed Dating Goodbye III: Building a new lifestyle.

Summary: In the first part of the book Harris points us the defectiveness of modern dating. In the second part of the book, he talks about why it's important to pursue purity.

How to build a Godly lifestyle
1) start with a clean slate. Even if it means breaking up. Adjusting the focus of a relationship. No blame shifting- Just apologize.
2) make your parents your teammates.
3) establish clear guidelines.
4) check to see who's whispering in your ear. Whatever is tempting you towards discontentment or compromise, don't put up with it.Tune it out. Turn it off.
5) Season your conviction with humility. Giving different answers for different people. Don't try to win an argument.

How to stay just friends.
- Biblical fellowship. Congregate to discus and sharing what God is teaching us and doing in us.
- Affection. are for each other as brothers and sisters.
- Genuine care: comfort each other.
- Side by side walk together not move towards each other.
- understand the difference between friendship and intimacy. As CS Lewis said "We picture lovers face to face, but friends side by side, their eyes look ahead".
- be inclusive not exclusive.
- Make a priority of same-sex friendships
- seek opportunities to serve, not be entertained.

Guard your heart
- maintain the well spring - the source of all.
- do not love the world. The cravings of sinful man. Infatuation, lust and self-pity. Rejecting the notion that a human relationship can ever completely fulfill us. Not to look lustfully at others. Don't use loneliness as an excuse to turn from God and exalt own needs.

Hustle while you wait.
- Not the do nothing approach. Like Rebekah in the bible, she was doing her best in her daily tasks.
- Practice intimacy with family
- Practice seeking God with others
- Practice financial responsibility
- Practice parenthood
- Practice practical life skills

My thoughts:
Ah, so many regrets- Unfortunately there is more than one occasion where I have been impure and really it's a dark cloud that covers me. So many times I've given my heart away to someone who didn't deserve it and so my heart isn't as pure as it could be. For girls at least, emotionally purity is really important. Don't act like you are married before you are. Don't share such intimate thoughts or imagine thoughts of futures that have not eventuated.
It's hard to let go, but sometimes, it's the most important thing to do. Over the past year, I have tried my best to let go of the past. I have resolved past relationship: gone back and apologized to the people I have hurt. I have made right relationships- made sure the focus is on friendship and nothing more. I have refocused my friendship with guys because I love them as brothers, I want to help guard their purity.
I have learned to really listen to the advice of other people around me, based on biblical principles. Got them on my team to help keep me accountable. When I feel weak or vulnerable in a situation, they are a team of people that I can turn to- they will set me straight. And I too am proud to be on their team, to keep them accountable to the commitments they have made with God. To help give them advice to guard their hearts.
More than likely most of us will end up in a relationship, but in the meantime, we should make every effort to be pure and to protect the purity of others-physically, emotionally, spiritually.
My dear friends, I ask that you help to guard my heart.

I'm not sure if there is someone out there for me. But there is nothing stopping me from actively pursing purity to please God. I'm sure my future partner will thank me for it.

Review: I kissed Dating Goodbye II

12:21:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Review: I kissed Dating Goodbye II: The heart of the matter

Summary: After reading the first section, I discovered that Harris' view on romantic relationships was quite radical. He calls for us to step up and not become romantically involved until we are ready for commitment. He calls for us to change our attitudes towards romance.

Love is sex? Sex is pleasure? Falling madly in love? There are misleading messages in today's society.

What is love? Love is patient, kind, doesn't envy, boast and isn't proud.  It isn't rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (Paraphrased from 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8).

True love is not going out of control, it's not the pleasure of the moment. Love is not the fulfillment of self but for the glory of God and the good of others.

The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing. Delayed gratification is an important lesson. Intimacy costs commitment. And Any season of singleness is a gift from God.
Here are some questions you should ask yourself.
- Am I using my gift of singleness as He desires?
- Am I concentrating on "simply pleasing the master"?
- Am I using this season of my life to become a "holy" instrument for God?
- Or am I scrambling to find a romantic relationship with someone by dating?
- Am I failing to believe that God is sovereign over this part of my life and can provide for me?
- Could I possibly be throwing away the gift of singleness?
- Am I cluttering my life with needless complications and worries of dating?

A excerpt from "Sometime by May Riley Smith".
... Then be content poor heart; 
God's plans, like lilies pure and white, unfold; 
we must not tear the close-shut leaves apart,- 
Time will reveal the chalices of gold."

Little tiny steps of compromise can cause to greater sins. Even David, who was a man after God's own heart took little steps ... away from God. Purity doesn't happen by accident. It requires constant work, to stay on the course of purity.
- Respect the deep significance of physical intimacy
- Set your standards too high. Don't put yourself in situations of vulnerability.
- Make the purity of others a priority. Am I causing others to sin? Guys: don't flirt with a girls heart before you are ready. Don't give her too much attention, avoid doing things in her life that makes it harder for her to focus on serving god. Girls- don't lead a guy astray with your charms. If the way you dress causes guys to stumble, cover up.

The room. [Paraphrased]
Harris had a dream. He was in a room, and one wall was covered with small index-sized cards, you know like those in the library. He opens one file and it lists the "girls I have liked" and all the names of the girls he has ever liked was listed. Another card listed the "lies I have told" and another "Jokes I have laughed at". "Things I have done in anger" and list after list, he was surprised that everything he has done was recorded. Each written in his own writing, each signed with his own signature. "Lustful thoughts" "Songs I have listened to" As he viewed these files he became worried that others would see the files. He was scared. "People I have shared the gospel with" was such a small file, he was embarassed. He began to cry... and someone walked in the room. No, not him, anyone but him. There was Jesus. He looked at  his face. Gravely, he turned and started to sign each and every index card in red, with his blood. No! Harris shouted, but Jesus continued to sign every card in his name. And when he finished the last card, he said "It is finished" and walked away. The room of the door was not locked, because there were still cards to be written.

My thoughts: A dear person in my life once told me the same thing, I was the right girl but I came at the wrong time. And sometimes I think I did meet the right type of person, but at the wrong time. The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing. Even if someone ticks all your boxes,  they come at a time where you are not ready to commit, it's not the right thing...
I think I caused unnecessary complications in my life for no reason at all! Ah, the gift of retrospective thinking. Oh how I wish I understood what I understand now. It would have saved many nights of heartbreak and much time. It's not that I gained a terrible amount of knowledge, but I have finally gained an understanding. What I have learned now is that Love is about looking to the interest of others, being patient, carefully observing as to protect others.

The dream, the Room, really really shook me. Everything I've done. Every single thing has been signed by Jesus.
I want to live a life that is pure. I want to hear Jesus say, well done.

Experience of drowning to reaching out...

22:17:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

When God created heavens and earth, it was all good. It certainly isn't that way now.

I am surrounded by broken promises. I'm surrounded by people who are out there to hurt people. I'm surrounded by companies that lie. It seems even the little country town I call home is no longer simple.

We can no longer trust people around us. We can no longer cross the pedestrian crossings expecting people will stop. We can no longer leave our purse somewhere hoping someone would hand it in. We can no longer trust that people are who they say they are. These past few weeks have been extremely hurtful as time and time again, people, company and things just let me down. I feel like I am drowning and I can't breathe.

But sometimes God leads us to these troubled waters, in these troubled times so that he can cleanse us and make us new. And it's in these murky waters that you may discover your calling. Even Jesus didn't come to save the righteous. He can to save sinners, of which I am one.

As I embark on a new journey across the globe, to a place where murders and gun fire don't even make news headlines. Lord, fill me with your love for all.

Help me to love the unlovable, reach the unreachable, and to do the impossible- forgiveness.

Send me 差遣我


Tell me oh Lord, how You want me to give Your life to the world where theres no hope. Tell me oh Lord, how You want me to give Your love to the world where love went cold. Do you see all the people sinking down? Dont you see people aching in the darkness alone? Send me Lord, send me Lord, I am willing to give all. Send me out to those who need Your hand. Fill me Lord, fill me Lord, fill me with Your Love for all. Reach Your hand to hold them once again.

Review: I kissed Dating Goodbye I

21:19:00 Kikoprincess 1 Comments

Review of Josh Harris' I kissed dating goodbye (new updated edition), split into 4 parts (Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV). http://www.joshharris.com/i_kissed_dating_goodbye.php/

Part I: Isn't there a better way (the alternative to dating)
Part II: The heart of the matter (What is love and understanding the gift of singleness)
Part III: Building a new lifestyle (The HOW to do it)
Part IV:

My thoughts: I kissed dating goodbye was beautifully written. It explores the struggles many single people go through. I felt that I had to read this book after reading boy meets girl. At first glance it's all against dating and encourages you to be single for life but when you really spend time to read between the covers, you will discover that Josh is a deeply romantic man wanting to do romance the right way with God. I would encourage young people to read through the book before considering dating. I would encourage parents to take a read and rear your children with such pure views about relationships, dating and marriage. Finally, I would encourage those seeking romance in their lives to read it to discover the gift of singleness: even if it's only a season of singleness. 

Part I summary:
I gave my heart away too many times. I took from others what wasn't mine. My perception of romance was that it was to serve myself- make me feel good about myself. I made promises that I didn't fully consider.
"Relationships with the opposite sex can no longer be about 'having a good time' or 'learning, what I want in a relationship'. They're not to be about getting but GIVING.
Harris talks about developing wisdom. Paraphrased. 'When I stopped seeing boys are potential boyfriends and started treating them as brothers in Christ, I discovered the richness of true friendship'.
Kissing dating goodbye isn't to avoid pain, it's so I can stand pure and blameless before God. Not only physically but in motives, minds, and emotions.
Q: Does commitment need to be the goal of a romantic relationship?
A: The joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment. True love is selfless, it's patient, it's looking out for the ongoing good for the other person.

7 habits of highly defective dating.
1) dating tends to skip the friendship stage of a relationship: 'a relationship based solely on physical attraction and romantic feelings will last only as long as the feelings last' Dating is "I'm attracted to you, therefore, let's get to know each other." Friendship is "We interested in the same things, let's enjoy these common interests together".
2) Dating often mistakes a physical relationship for love.
3) dating often isolates a couple from other vital relationships. No man has the right to claim my exclusive attention unless he asks me to be his wife. [paraphrased]
4) Dating can distract young adults from their primary responsibility of preparing for the future
5) Dating can cause discontentment with God's gift of singleness
6) Dating can create an artificial environment for evaluating another person's character.
7) Dating often becomes an end in itself.

A new attitude.
1) Every relationship is an opportunity to model Christ's love.
2) My unmarried years are a gift from God
3) I don't need to pursue a romantic relationship before I'm ready for marriage
4) I can't 'own' someone outside of marriage
5) I will avoid situations that could compromise the purity of my body or mind.

My thoughts: The first part of the book was really confronting for me. We are set apart, different to the world. How can we love as the world loves? I thought the guidelines about relationships was quite simple 1) no sex before marriage 2) only date Christians. But after reading through the first part of the book, it gave me much food for thought.

Until I am truly ready for commitment, I need to stop dating and putting myself in vulnerability situations. Until I am ready to love others as I love myself, I have no business in even contemplating a romantic relationship.

I made a commitment with some sisters in Christ.

"Having faith that God is sovereign over all things. As much as it depends on me, I will avoid situations where I would be physically, emotionally or mentally vulnerable. This specifically involves avoiding one-one situations with brothers in Christ. This involves considering and putting others before myself in all types of relationships. Involves building up those around me in Christ. And it involves not pursuing a romantic relationship until I am ready for marriage".

This really is a radical way to view dating relationships. But we are just going back to basics- to the way it was intended.

review: I am what I am

20:23:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Review: I am what I am

I think for the most part, I give myself excuses for the way I behave. I am rude, because that's just the way I am. I am messy, because that's just the way I am. But as I've grown up, I've found joy in simply telling the truth. I'm late- not because of x y z - I am sorry. I did this because I was careless. I ran out of time doing this because it took longer than expected. Owning up to one's mistakes.

Ah, I am so sorry for all the excuses I've used in the past. For the lies or semi-lies that I've told to get myself out of a difficult situation. It's a selfish and unloving way to act.

And because I have this heightened awareness of my past actions that I am extremely hurt when I am lied to. When I am hurt by other people's actions. I trust because I care. I trust because I believe in you. But if people that that innocent trust for granted, it hurts. Blow after blow, in spite of my recent stress, I have been hurt over and over again over the last couple of weeks.

It's hard but forgivable. After all, my heavenly father has forgiven the unforgivable me.

1 John 1:9

New International Version (NIV)
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

... but you know sometimes I wish people would stop hurting me and let me be. But then I am reminded that this is not my home.

Original article:

I am what I am ... by the grace of God

What matters first of all if you are a Christian is not what you once were, but what you are

Does that sound ridiculous?
It is so perfectly obvious ... Yes, how obvious when I put it like this, but how difficult to see it sometimes when the devil attacks us.

The Apostle said that he was 'not worthy to be called an apostle because [he] persecuted the Church of God', but he goes on to add: 'But by the grace of God I am what I am.' What does it matter what I was? 'I am what I am.' Put your emphasis there. Do not be for ever thinking about what you were. The essence of the Christian position is that you should remind yourself of what you are. Certainly there is the past with all its sins. But say this to yourself:

Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
Who like [me] His praise should sing?

'I am what I am' — whatever the past may have been.
It is what I am that matters. What am I?
I am forgiven,
I am reconciled to God by the Blood of His Son upon the Cross.
I am a child of God.
I am adopted into God's family, and
I am an heir with Christ, a joint-heir with Him.
I am going to glory.

That is what matters, not what I was, nor what I have been. Do what the Apostle did, therefore, if the enemy is attacking you along this line. Turn to him and say: 'What you are saying is perfectly true. I was all you say. But what I am interested in is not what I was but what I am, and "I am what I am by the grace of God".'

Martyn Lloyd Jones
Spiritual Depression, p. 85-6

revisiting my favourite

guitar tabs

Building 429 - Where I Belong

Capo 4

Intro: Em   C   (x2)

Verse 1:

Em                                    C
Sometimes it feels like I'm watching from the outside 
Em                                    C
Sometimes it feels like I'm breathing but am I alive 
Em                                  C                                       D
I will keep searching for answers that aren't here to find 


G                 D
All I know is I'm not home yet 
Em                      C
This is not where I belong 
G                             D
Take this world and give me Jesus 
Em                      C
This is not where I belong

Instrumental: Em   C

Verse 2:
Em                        C
So the walls come falling down on me 
Em                                 C
And when I'm lost in the current of a raging sea 
Em                           C                        D
I have this blessed assurance holding me.


G                 D
All I know is I'm not home yet 
Em                      C
This is not where I belong 
G                             D
Take this world and give me Jesus 
Em                      C
This is not where I belong


               F        C                          G            D
When the earth shakes I wanna be found in you 
               F        C                       G            D
When the lights fade I wanna be found in you


G                 D
All I know is I'm not home yet 
Em                      C
This is not where I belong 
G                             D
Take this world and give me Jesus 
Em                      C
This is not where I belong

G                 D
All I know is I'm not home yet 
Em                      C
This is not where I belong 
G                             D
Take this world and give me Jesus 
Em                      C
This is not where I belong

G   D   Em   C
G   D   Em   C   G           

To hear you say well done

07:32:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

I'm sure I'm not the only person who likes to be praised. In fact, praise is often used as a natural reward in family behavioural interventions, couples therapy and a range of talk therapies. The basic principle is that if you are rewarded for doing something, you are more likely to do it in the future. Makes sense.

When I was younger I would chase after useless certificates, pieces of paper. I wanted to get as many awards as possible, to get as many qualifications as possible. I would be thrilled to get certificates for random things. But after I got the certificate it would be meaningless, and I would have to chase after higher praises.

The new song by Moriah Peters gives me a fresh insight into something I have known all along. We shouldn't be chasing after the claps of the world, but instead, we should strive to run the race put forward by God in order to get his approval. And for the past few days, it's the song I've been singing when I wake up in the morning. It makes all the difference in the world ~ to live in such a way as to hear the praise of God.

Moriah Peters- Well done lyrics

Notes: http://www.topchristianlyrics.com/sheets/well-done.pdf

guitar tabs : http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/m/moriah_peters/well_done_crd.htm

I'm headed down this narrow road
Chosen by the few
And all that I know is
      F                C
You told me to follow You
I'm taking a risk and leaving it all
Not knowing what I'll go through
But I'm not alone
    F                C
As long as I follow You

So when my life's a leap of faith
F               G
I can hear You say

      C         Em
Well done, well done
I'm gonna chase You, Lord
           F                   C     G
I'm gonna show the world Your love, woah
      C        Em
I'll run, I'll run
I'm gonna run this race
    F                 C
To hear You say well done

If people walk with me, talk with me, looking for truth
They're gonna find out soon
If they're following me then
         F             C
They're gonna follow You

So let my life speak loud and clear
F              G
Lord, I wanna hear

      C         Em
Well done, well done
I'm gonna chase You, Lord
           F                   C     G
I'm gonna show the world Your love, woah
      C        Em
I'll run, I'll run
I'm gonna run this race
    F                 C
To hear You say well done

C                                    Am
I'm so glad that I get to serve You, Lord
                                 F     G
You're the only One I am living for, woah
C                                      Am
I'm gonna run straight into Your open arms
                                  F      G     C
I'm gonna follow You with my all heart, woah, woah

      C         Em
Well done, well done
I'm gonna chase You, Lord
           F                   C     G
I'm gonna show the world Your love, woah
      C        Em
I'll run, I'll run
I'm gonna run this race
    F                 C
To hear You say well done
I'm gonna run this race
   F                   C
To hear You say well done

Movie review: Happy feet 2

12:28:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Movie Review: Happy feet 2

Movie summary: Happy feet 1 was all about how someone, Mubble, who is different, rejected can be used to save a generation of dying penguins. Mubble dancing captured the attention of the world. 

In Happy feet 2, there are three main storylines that become intertwined.
- Mubble is the father of Erik who is afraid to dance. His father tries his best to encourage his son. The little penguin and his friends goes on a little adventure and finds another world of penguins. They worship this "penguin" who can fly. The motto, "If you want it, you can will it, and if you will it, it will be yours". The cult like nature of the "penguin" captures little Erik's imagination.
- A krill named Will realizes that their existence is to be eaten and tries to "evolve" by moving up the food chain. He and his friend Bill go out of the swam on an adventure that would change their lives. Instead of "evolving" the characters learn to adapt.
- Bryant is a large elephant seal who is stubborn and refuses to back up to let the little penguins through. His pride causes him to be trapped in ice and he is saved by Mubble (the little penguin).

The three stories become intertwined when a giant iceberg change causes the emperor penguins to be trapped without food, waiting to die. Only others from the outside can save them. Mubble and Erik try to enlist the help of humans, but a turn of weather causes the humans to leave. The other penguins comes and hunt for food for the trapped penguins. The cult "penguin" tries his best to teach the others to fly out, but they become aware that it's not possible, because this "penguin" wasn't a penguin at all. Finally, Bryant (and the other elephant seals), the krill and all the penguin friends all work together in dance to free the emperor penguins.

My thoughts: It's amazing. I liked happy feet 1, happy feet 2 was just as good. ok, so the concepts were no longer that new. The sound track and plot made me teary and wanting to dance many times throughout the movie. It's a really good movie for all ages.
I was so touched during the movie though. It's definitely not just made for kids.

There are so many elements of the movie that made me reflect. But for my upcoming trip to the States, I have found certain inspiration from the movie.

- Don't be afraid to ask for help, and be specific in the requests
- Faith and determination can get you a long way
- You can change your destiny. But perhaps it doesn't work in the way you expect.

Like the Krill, from the moment we were born, we were crawling closer to eternal death. But we have been offered the opportunity to CHANGE. To EVOLVE. We have been offered the opportunity for ETERNAL LIFE. Our destiny is in our hands. God has already reached out to us, he has already paid the ultimate price by dying on the cross for our sins. All we have to do is to accept this amazing gift and let him be the lord over our lives.

Like Bryant, sometimes we have to "back up" some times we have to go backwards in order to go forwards. After some careful reflection of our past, we can learn from our mistakes and make giant leaps forward not only to save our own lives, but the lives of others.

Like Erik, sometimes fitting in can be hard. Living up to the expectations of greatness can be daunting. But if we try our best, in our own capacity, our earthly and heavenly parents can't ask for more!

Knock back the pride, Can you learn from tiny little penguins too?

Review: How to fix your husband 1.0

15:16:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Just wanted to share something. A funny little article on how to fix your husband.

My thoughts: I'm about a quarter of the way through, I kissed dating goodbye. And the author Harris talks about being patient. He also talks about how the way we, as christians view dating should be different to the way the worlds views dating. This is because our understanding of love is different to the way the world loves.

Inherent in the way the world loves is selfishness. Dating is to fulfil needs within yourself. Dating is to make you feel good. It's about what the other person can give you. And if someone is trying to woo you, they may, during the dating phase, give you things you need. But the ultimate agenda is to get something themselves... and after marriage there is no longer a need to a give you anything?

BUT Christians love by putting the other person first. For me, this is a relatively new concept. I am starting to think differently. When I was younger, I would try to use relationships with friends, etc to fulfil my needs. But now... Will talking to someone in this way be helpful for them? Will acting in a certain way build them up in Christ. It's no longer only about my personal development. But also about whether I can build up those around me in Christ.

When I am eventually ready to commit to someone, I want to have that kind of attitude. To love them and consider their needs before my own. In the meantime, there is nothing stopping me from loving all my brothers and sisters with the same attitude :).

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

original article

How to Fix Your Husband

Dear IT Support,

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower, gifts and jewellery applications that had operated flawlessly under boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 andPersonal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Fantasy Football 5.0NBA 3.0and Fishing 2.0.

And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I’ve tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.

What can I do?

Desperate Housewife


Dear Desperate Housewife,

First keep in mind: Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.

Try entering the command C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0. If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0and Flowers 3.5.

But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5Happy Hour 7.0 orLate Night Kebab 6.1Late Night Kebab 6.1 is a very bad program that will create FartingLoudly.wav files.

Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Tasty Food 3.0 and Tongue Kisses 6.9.

Good Luck,
IT Support

Forgiveness: Matthew West

10:47:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Update: Finally out on itunes! From the hype from my sneak peak: forgiveness post. http://kikoprincess.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/sneak-peak-forgiveness.html

Matthew West - Forgiveness- Lyrics

It's the hardest thing to give away
And the last thing on your mind today
It always goes to those that don't deserve

It's the opposite of how you feel
When the pain they caused is just too real
It takes everything you have to say the word...


It flies in the face of all your pride
It moves away the mad inside
It's always anger's own worst enemy
Even when the jury and the judge
Say you gotta right to hold a grudge
It's the whisper in your ear saying 'set it free'

Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Forgiveness, Forgiveness

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible
Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Help me now to do the impossible

It'll clear the bitterness away
It can even set a prisoner free
There is no end to what its power can do
So let it go and be amazed
By what you see through eyes of grace
The prisoner that it really frees is you

Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Forgiveness, Forgiveness

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible

I want to finally set it free
So show me how to see what Your mercy sees
Help me now to give what You gave to me
Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Forgiveness, Forgiveness

My thoughts:
I've just finished reading Job in the bible. He is a righteous man who had it all, the kids, wealth, health, everything. So satan argued that he is only good because God has given him so many blessings. So overnight it was all taken away. He still didn't curse God. Then his health was taken away. Still he did not curse God. His wife and friends all turned on him saying that he lost it all because of his sin and he deserves it. He still did not curse or blame God. And God finally rewards his faithfulness by blessing the second half or his life more than the first.

So I was thinking, Job now had to forgive those who turned on him. Those who didn't support him when he was down. It's tough. It's sooooo easy to be nice to though who are nice to you. It's soooooo easy to praise those who praise you. It's sooooo easy to give gifts to those who please you. BUT How to love the lovable? How to reach the unreachable? How to forgive those who have caused you so much pain?

It's definitely not easy. And I doubt I can do it by myself. The power of prayer cannot be dismissed. We can ask God to teach us how to forgive. I have been able to do the impossible, not by my strength but through the strength of God. Over the last couple of months, I have discovered, that I don't hurt anymore. Because I have forgiven someone who has caused me pain, and I have started to forgive myself for causing others immeasurable pain.

The zeal of the almighty can accomplish what seems to be impossible in our eyes.

A lesson on prayer from Luke

21:03:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

One of my new years resolutions was to improve my prayer life. And 7 months on, it's still a point I struggle with. For me, reading the bible everyday is easy (after a long period of God's grace just motivating me to read) but prayer is a lot harder. Sure I pray before meals, I pray before I sleep, when I wake up, there is a quick prayer when I brush my teeth. But I have found it hard to get that really good quality one-on-one time with God on my knees.

As I was preparing for this week's bible study (Luke 4: 31-44), I stumbled on this blogpost. http://activerain.com/blogsview/1535820/luke-4-31-44-a-bible-study-devotion-jesus-was-too-busy-to-pray-too-

Jesus had a really busy day, he was preaching, healing, getting rid of demons, at the end of the day people still bought the sick to him. Instead of just zoning out by watching tv, or logging onto facebook or even sleeping in Jesus took the time to get on his knees and talk to his dad in heaven. The importance of prayer!

City on our knees


Chords used:
   G   C   F  or  G   C   F

Verse 1:
C                                    G
If you gotta start somewhere why not here.
C                                   F  
If you gotta start sometime why not now.
C                                  G
If we gotta start somewhere I say here.
C                                 F
If we gotta start sometime I say now.
Through the fog there is hope in the distance.
Am                                       C
From Cathedrals to third world missions.
Love will fall to the earth like a crashing wave.

C                                              G
Tonight's the night! for the sinners and the saints.
             C                      F
Two worlds collide! in a beautiful display.
C                                                 G
It's all love tonight, when you step across the line.
                      Dm                       Am
We can sail across the sea, to a city with one King.
A city on our knees.

Verse 2:
C                                    G
If you gotta start somewhere why not here.
C                                   F  
If you gotta start sometime why not now.
C                                  G
If we gotta start somewhere I say here.
C                                 F
If we gotta start sometime I say now.
Through the fog there is hope in the distance.
Am                                       C
From Cathedrals to third world missions.
Love will fall to the earth like a crashing wave.

C                                              G
Tonight's the night! for the sinners and the saints.
             C                      F
Two worlds collide! in a beautiful display.
C                                                 G
It's all love tonight, when you step across the line.
                      Dm                       Am
We can sail across the sea, to a city with one King.
               C     G   C                     F
A city on our knees.    A city on our knees.

Tonight couldn't last forever.
We are one choice from together.
C                                F
Tonight couldn't last forever.    Oh
Tonight couldn't last forever.
We are one choice from together.
C              F
Family, We're family.   OH!!!
Tonight couldn't last forever!
We are one choice from together!
        C            F
You and me! yeah, You and me!

C                                              G
Tonight's the night! for the sinners and the saints.
             C                      F
Two worlds collide! in a glorious display.
C                                                 G
It's all love tonight, when you step across the line.
                      Dm                       Am
We can sail across the sea, to a city with one King.
               C     G   C                     F
A city on our knees.    A city on our knees.

C                                    G
If we gotta start somewhere why not here.
C                                  F
If we gotta start sometime why not now.


Review: Boy meets girl - Part III

11:55:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Review: Boy meets girl - Part III: Before you say I do

Summary: The first section of the book gave an introduction to courtship. The second gave us some really practical things to consider (communication, sex, etc). Now the final section of the book gives us a run down of the things we should consider before getting married.

- Facing past sexual sins. What happens if we have been impure in the past? We may not have intercourse but what if we have done other stuff? Or thought about it? etc.
- Ten questions to ask before you get married
1) Is your relationship centered on God and his glory?
2) Are you growing in friendship, fellowship, communication and romance?
3) Are you clear on your roles as a biblical man and woman?
4) Are others supportive of the relationship?
5) Is sexual desire playing a too big (or small) part in your decision?
6) Do you have a track record of solving problems biblically?
7) Are you heading in the same direction in life?
8) Have you taken account any cultural differences you might have?
9) Do either of you have any complicated entanglements from past relationships/marriages?
10) Do you want to marry this person?

When is it my turn? Trust in God's love, God's wisdom and God's sovereignty

My thoughts: I think this is a really important section of the book.

We all come with a past. The pastor's wife, had sex before she reached 18. And she had to come clean about it to him before they considered marriage. And Josh doesn't change his relationship with her when he found out. Instead, he reminded her how God has already forgiven the unforgiveable us. Sometimes I forget that. Sometimes I forget that God has forgiven it ALL when he died on the cross.

After reading the entire book and starting to read Kissing Dating Goodbye, I've realized that dating should be a bridge between friendship and marriage. Is it a bridge I'm ready to cross? There are certainly many things to consider before crossing the bridge or even laying foot on the bridge.

Are you ready for courtship? Are your dating relationships purposeful? Do you already have the wisdom to decide whether the person before you is appropriate for marriage with you?  Are your actions consistent with the answers for the previous questions?

On a side note, I'm really happy to say that some of my reviews have been picked up by Christian bookshops and christian readers worldwide. Although they are just my thoughts, I hope it will help at least one person to either come to know Christ or become closer to Christ.

Even though my faith maybe as small as a mustard seed...

Review: Boy meets girl - Part II

20:04:00 Kikoprincess 2 Comments

Review: Boy meets girl - Part II. The season of courtship

Summary: Josh challenges the concept of courtship. If the outcome is to discover whether God intended you to get married, then a successful courtship has not one (engagement) but TWO outcomes!! If two young people discover that it's not God's will, that is also a prayer answered, according to His will, not ours!

So in the process of courtship, do not assume you will be married with your partner. You are not yet lovers, but just more than friends. Sure you can build in friendship, fellowship and romance, but there are things that should not be done/ hearts that should be guarded during this process. You don't want to rip off your real future partner!

In this section, Josh goes through a number of traditional couples counselling areas.
1) Communication. Listen, speak clearly, clear motivation. BUT since you are more than friends and less than lovers, you must guard your hearts! Don't talk as if you will be married... you aren't sure...
2) Gender roles. If boys will be men, will girls be ladies?
3) the role of others in the relationship. Communities - your church - is important in your relationship. Gives you a reality check, provides protection, accountability. Sharing joy!
4) Expectation of sex before marriage. God made sex to be good!

My thoughts: After the first section, I realized how unprepared I was for a relationship. This section really gave a whole list of distinct things for me to think about.

How wrong I have been in the past. How much I have failed. Then I read this section. How relieved. If the purpose of our interactions are to discover with wisdom whether we were met to get married and our relationship dissolves. Than that is a success too!! A revelation for me. A new way of viewing courtships for sure!

And I know now to really guard the way I communicate. Never imply a deeply level of commitment and understanding.

I also realised that I need to rely more on the bible to guide my gender roles. And it's not weak to be a helper, but it's part of my design. And I've come to realise that it's what I am looking for more and more. A spiritual leader for my household, so I've been challenging the boys in my life to be servant leaders to their female counterparts and future wives.

I don't have a dad. So no male to protect... and I should start considering who I can trust to provide me with this level of protection.

Illegal sex before marriage is exciting, it's forbidden and it's also sinful. And it never occured to me that sex is a blessing from God. He could have made the actions of procreation boring, but instead, he made sex an enjoyable experience. But it's a blessing that should be used with wisdom. Wait... it's worth it.

Steady My Heart  Kari 
Key: G

Verse 1:
G                     Em                   D                
wish it could be easy why is life so messy whys playin' a part of us
G                          Em                      D
there are days i feel like nothing ever goes right sometimes it just hurts so

           Em          D           C           D
but You're here You're real i know i can trust You

             G                    D                 Em      
even when it hurts even when it's hard even when it all just falls apart
              G                         D               Em
i will run to You cause i know that You are lover of my soul healer of my
              G      D
You steady my he     art
              G       Em
You steady my he     art

Verse 2:
i'm not gonna worry i know that You got me right inside the palm of Your hand
each and every moment what's good and right gets broken
happen just the way You plan

You are here You're real i know i can trust You

          G       D          Em             C
and i will run to You I find refuge in Your arms
           G       D            Em             C
and i will sing to You cause of everything You are