Jesus firm foundation:

12:25:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

This week's Klove free song is Jesus a Firm Foundation. It's part of a album with revamped traditional hymns by leading Christian artists. In most churches today, hymnals stay on the seats and the congregation focuses their attention to big projection screens. While there are great modern christian songs, there is such richness in traditional hymns. Yet, the four part harmonies in which these are based are seen as out dated. 

It was so exciting to find out about this new album which marries the traditional hymns with modern interpretations. Hopefully, this will prolong the relevance of the stories and meanings behind these hymns. Hymns include: Turn your eyes upon Jesus, I surrender all, Blessed assurance, it is well (oh my soul).  

Even if the healing doesn't come

21:13:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

In my church, we have been praying for the health of various people. Every week, we are praying for recovery from cancer, heart attacks, etc. Our God is so powerful that he can heal the sick, bring the dead back to life. But how strong is our faith? Will we stay faithful even if the healing doesn't come?

This week's klove free song is: Even if by Kutless. Claim by 29/4/2013.

Big news + Movie Review: The odd life of timothy green

12:26:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

In starting my new "business" in private psychology, I am about to launch a new blog with my personal commentaries from both a Christian and Psychology perspective. Proverbs 22.6 ( The launch of the new blog coincides with the launch of the

The Christian Parenting Handbook: 50 Heart-Based Strategies for All the Stages of Your Child's Life

And as part of the official launch team, there will be some giveaways and special offers (worth over $400!). So stay tuned.

I wanna tell you that you're beautiful

17:24:00 Kikoprincess 2 Comments

Sarcasm doesn't work with kids. Calling your kids names maybe funny, but they are internalizing the things you are saying. "You aren't as stupid as I thought" or "Fatty" is simply inappropriate. I have kids come into the clinic, their parents have no idea where they get their low self esteem from, they don't know why they don't feel loved enough though the parents buy them nice toys, take them on holidays. 

When was the last time you told someone that you love them just the way they are. That they are enough.

God didn't wait till we lost 5kg to save us. He didn't wait till we have quit our bad habits. He didn't wait until became more patient to accept us. When we finally realize that God loves us just the way we are, we are able to comfortably grow in his likeness. 

This week's klove free song is Jason Castro's Enough. It was written for his daughters birthday. 

The answer is love.

21:57:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

"What does blue sky mean in chinese?" It's a bit of a joke in my family, because mum underestimates my brother's ability in chinese and often asks him if he understands the simplest of things.

I am so thankful that my mum bought us up answering questions and asking questions. My current supervisors are most impressed with my willingness to ask questions. Asking questions is so helpful in the learning process. Why is that so? Why did you do that? Why do you think the client acted that way? What do you think? What can I do better?

By asking questions, we can also understand life and the world around us more.

是愛 It's Love - 天韻詩班

[Translation by kikoprincess]

The upside of down

22:05:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

When I woke today, I was greeted with the news of a death. Rick Warren's son lost his battle to depression.  When a suicide happens, people are left asking why, they maybe shocked, they may be reminded of someone else close to them, or a number of other reactions. Depression doesn't just happen to the few. Depression is real and it maybe more common than you think.

1 in 4 Australian women will suffer from depression. 1 in 3 will experience anxiety. Men also suffer at similar rates (1 in 8 for depression, 1 in 5 for anxiety).

Signs and symptoms include: low motivation, prevailing sadness, self-defeating thoughts, constant fatigue, etc.

GPs and trained mental health professionals can help you get better (Who can assist). There are also things you can do including (1) reaching out to friends and family (2) exercise (3) prayer.

When we cry out to God in our despair, he answers us. If we cry out to him and cry out to him and cry out to him, we might not get an answer straight away. But indeed, he hears us. I've found that when I am down and out, God reaches out to me and holds me through the storm. Though I may not like to be sick, not like to fail or not like to feel sad, but it's at these times of my life where I truly hand it all over to God. I guess that is a positive of being down...

Review: Once the musical

20:15:00 Kikoprincess 1 Comments

I was reminded of Once: The musical today.

Musical summary: Once is a ridiculous comedy about the chance of a young man in despair meeting an outrageous foreign female. The guy is on his last tether and decides that he would play this last song on his guitar before giving up for good. The foreign girls is captured by his music and encourages him not to quit. She offers to play the piano for him in exchange for him fixing her vacuum cleaner, and through a series of incidents, the boy falls in love with the girl. But then reality catches up with them, and they part on their separate ways.

Do you love me enough to let me go?

10:17:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

This is certainly food for thought. Do you love me enough to let me go?

In an interview about the song, the lead artist from Switchfoot talks about how love songs are typically about loving forever, or about a love that is possessive. The bible talks about the ultimate love, the ultimate act of love. God didn't demonstrate his love for us by suffocating us with love. God didn't demonstrate his love for us by transporting us straight to heaven. He loved his son.

Romans 5:8

New International Version (NIV)
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

羅 馬 書 5:8

Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV)
惟 有 基 督 在 我 們 還 作 罪 人 的 時 候 為 我 們 死 , 神 的 愛 就 在 此 向 我 們 顯 明 了 。

But he let his son go. He let his son go and show his love for us, he allowed his son to choose to save us.

Dear Sam #1

21:58:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

I'm writing my first letter to my new sponsor child Sam. One of the questions they suggests is "what do you want to do when you grow up". I'm not sure what his answer will be, but I am sure if I asked my sunday school kids, the answer will undoubtedly be different.

I am currently pondering which job I should take out of the offers that I have been given, or to continue to apply and wait for an ideal offer. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, people are struggling to keep afloat given the recent financial crisis, or trying to simply stay alive in war-torn countries. There are those wandering around in our community with serious mental health issues that prohibits them from gaining employment. There are struggling single mothers/fathers. There are children who are forced to be adults.

This is absolutely ludicrous. There is such disparity in the world, and here we are worrying about first world problems. Everyday we hear of new charities, new things to donate time and money towards. It may seem overwhelming and we might forget certain causes after they are out of the media spotlight. Or you may think you have already done your part by donating $X amount each year towards X charity.

BUT OUR WORK IS NEVER FINISHED. Why doesn't God just automatically teleport every christian to heaven as soon as they believe? Isn't it because this is the time of grace and there are some things we can only do on this side of heaven. We give because we love, and we love, because Christ loved us. Let's meet the physical needs of those around us and win one more for Jesus!

Keep Changing the World


from the album Mikeschair
Buy on Amazon | iTunes
 Play sample

boys boys boys according to jamie grace

17:13:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Last year, I uploaded links to Kari Jobe on singleness (The moment you fall in love).

This year, I stumbled on Jame Grace's testimony on the subject of boys, boys, boys. For single Christian girls, it's hard to remain faithful. You can see other girls and boys starting to date from a young age, you see them spend a lot of time together, you might have your own desires for finding your prince charming.

Being Asian, it's a bit difficult to justify why I am waiting, and not freely dating others. I believe that Jame Grace is onto something here. Dating intentionally, dating the right type of person, is worth waiting for.

I believe I was created by the creator of Love, I believe he knows my dreams, my hopes and my future. I believe it's my goal to live a life that is pleasing to him, while I am and have waited for the love of my life. I believe true love is worth waiting for.

Fork in the road

16:49:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Early in the morning during the Easter period, I was lead by the spirit to take an early morning run on a path I don't usually take. I stopped and had a chat to someone I normally just pass by. And even though this person chose not to come to church to me, we had a meaningful spiritual conversation. I believe this one little decision, will somehow impact the stranger's life later on down the track.

If you have ever seen/heard of the butterfly effect you will know what I mean. Every little move we make may have huge implications for our future. That's why there is a huge pressure on university graduates to choose the right job, high school graduates to choose the right university, primary school parents to choose the right school, etc.