That's how you forgive

14:11:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

In the last few months, I have had clients that have suffered so much at their young age. I struggle to find a way to help them forgive their past. How can they forgive people who have caused them so much pain?

We too have caused God a great deal of pain. Yet, while we were still sinners, still hurting God, he chose to come and die for us. And in this, he showed us how to forgive.

Feeling defeated?

09:45:00 Kikoprincess 2 Comments

Are you feeling defeated? Is it exam stress? Not performing well at school? Not reaching your KPI (Key performance indicators)? Feeling like a failure as a friend, lover, mother/father?

Well, after being rewarded with a long weekend, I felt like I hadn't accomplished all that I had set out to accomplish. I felt defeated, deflated and diminished. But let us remember, in Christ, we have eternal VICTORY!

Jeremy Camp won K-Love's male artist of the year. And this week's klove free song is from his new album Reckless: We must remember by Jeremy Camp.

So it's time to get up

14:06:00 Kikoprincess 1 Comments

Building 429's new album comes out TODAY! It's the same artists that bought us "Where I belong" which was really my anthem last year. If you feel the winter blues, feel sluggish or just bored. It's time to Get up!

As Christians, we were born again not just to fill up empty bleachers and seats at church. Our hands were made to reach out. If you aren't currently serving in church, have you considered getting up?

There are so many options, Worship ministry, Children's ministry, Outreach ministries, bible study leaders and helpers, etc.

Klove's free song this week is : Get up by Building 429
Building 429