267 things in a soul mate
I recently reviewed the 20th anniversary edition of "Chicken Soup for the Soul".original book review: couragepsyc.blogspot.com.au
In the book, the author wrote about his personal experience with soulmate searching. He wrote down a list of 267 attributes that he desired in his future partner. And these attributes were quite honest- included attributes about the significant other's looks. And he thanks God that he does indeed find a partner, and looking back at his list, he found that God had prepared for him a partner with almost all of those attributes!
So here are some of mine...
- A follower of Christ
- Love of children's ministry
- Respectful to old and young
- Able to independently look after themselves
- Humble and willing to admit wrongs
- A gentle heart
- Wise
- Has a charming smile
- Strong
- Courageous
- Honest
- Has a passion for life
- Easy to talk to
- Is forgiving
- Adventureous
- Isn't perfect
- Doesn't smoke
- Doesn't like to get drunk
- Doesn't gamble
- ...
I don't know if my soul mate is somewhere out there. And I wonder how many attributes I would hit in someone else's list?