A girl's guide to understanding boys. Book review: sneak peek.
I was provided a review copy of this book. A girl's guide to undersanding boys will be released 1 March 2014.
I was excited reviewing this book. Both from an adults perspective, and being a girl once. Boys too are God's creation. But we are slightly different- we talk differently, our brains are wired differently, process emotions differently. Secret keeper girls are different from normal girls. We weren't made to go Boy-Crazy or to hate their guts. The book was written in a conversational style, as if an older sister was transpiring wisdom to their little sister.
Key topics addressed include:
- Helping boy-crazy friends
- What should I do while I'm waiting to date?
- What the bible says about guys (structured bible study with fun little activities for girls)
There is some wisdom in the book that I wish I had known about when I was just a girl. I had misconceptions of what Dating is, and the purpose of Dating.
And after some life experiences, I understand that today I will only date intentionally. And when my Sunday school girls ask if I date, if girls I see in the clinic ask me about dating, I no longer have a distorted worldly view of what it's meant to be. If dating success is determined by 2 options- deciding the other person is the one for marriage, or the person isn't, then breaking up with someone WILL NEVER END IN FAILURE. And though this can hurt at the time, can you see how this will dramatically change how boys/girls cope with relationship breakup?
If you aren't ready for marriage, dating will just cause many a heartbreak and frustration.
Preorder from Big W, or I found a huge discount on Amazon or Christian book.