Thankful for the experiences of 2014

20:05:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

2014 has been an interesting year. I seem to need to blog less to express my thoughts and feelings, and talk more to friends and families about my troubles and joys.

Last year, I did a gratitude list for 2013- (link to gratitude list 2013). This year will be no different.

Gratitude list 2014
1. Finishing my PhD! finally, after so many long years. 
2. Business venture finally on track
3. Got debt free by 31 December 2014
4. My mother's health and energy
5. My brother's ability and opportunity to help others
6. A super group of friends who are always there for me
7. Family who are never too far away
8. Opportunities to help clients reach their potentials
9. Enthusiasm of Sunday School Students 
10. Early morning walks with my best friend
11. Health and continued recovery
12. A place to call my home
13. Safety
14. Beautiful lives that will be forever remembered
15. Opportunities to travel to Europe, Newcastle, Darwin, Sydney
16. A new job and team
17. Supervisors who are there when it counts
18. a group of young people who are willing to serve in music ministry
19. People who love my laughter lines
20. Being able to move on from forgiveness
21.  Reaching a healthy weight and being able to model healthy living
22. Patience and emotional regulation improving
23. My cell group, and their continued prayers
24. Phone calls with my best friends
25. Clothes wearing out - lasting all the way up to now
26. People around me who are in love, married this year or got engaged this year
27. New borns this year who have bought me such joy
28. Unexpected gains
29. Opportunities to start something new
30. People I can talk to instead of blogging to express my views
31. Hope for a future I cannot see

I know I have a set of 30 things to do before I'm 30, and I'm slowly working towards the relevant ones. For 2015,  I'm not going to make any new years resolutions. I'm not going to make any SMART goals, or public declarations that I can not keep past January. I'm going to move in valued directions.
Last year, I made a list of goals towards values directions (2014 valued directions goals) and taking stock, I think I've done pretty well.

1) To be thankful for something everyday- Review this list NYeve next year. -- done as promised. 
2) Exercise self-control and discipline- Finish PhD and get down to healthy weight-- done as promised. 
3) To be more connected- More real time, less screen time -- better than last year. 
4) Be a wise steward of money- Get out of debt -- done as promised. 
5) Love others more. WWJD -- better than last year. 

As my values have changed, so will my targets, so for 2015, here is what I will start with.
1) Find new ways and places to serve God
2) To be thankful for something everyday - review this list NYeve next year
3) To make myself more available to friends, family, and new relationships
4) Being more patient
5) Finding more self control.



No picture to prove it, did it happen?

20:29:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

This evening, there was a stunning display of fireworks we could see from our house,a nd it was perfectly complimented by a bright full moon. As I stood there admiring the scene, mum rushed inside to find her camera phone and fiddling with the camera settings - missing a fair portion of the display. She then proceeded to talk about the smog cloud created by the display.

That would have been me a year ago, a month ago, could have been me yesterday.

But today, I just stood there an enjoyed the show. No, I don't have any photos to prove it happened, nor any magical video capture I could show on instagram. It was just an experience I had, and I was present.

I know there will be many wonders this christmas season, beautiful things that your friends could admire on facebook, instagram, twitter or other social media outlets. I will scroll through my feed and will find things that are beautiful and perhaps like or comment on these things. Yet, there will be MOMENTS. Those moments that are too precious to be fiddling with a camera phone, too precious to tag. There will be moments where you just have to be present. Who cares that you won't have a picture to prove it, it still happened.

Share your Christmas cheers, don't miss those moments.