How will we use our time today?

09:55:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

There is a spoons principle I often use with clients at the clinic. If we are all given 20 spoons a day, how would you spend your spoons? We are all given 86,400 a day, my 86400 seconds is not longer than your 86,400 seconds.

And I believe for the most part, we have a choice as to how we use this time. We can spend the time complaining about the traffic- that's a good 5-10 seconds. We can spend the time watching commercial breaks, that's a good 100 seconds. We can spend the time pounding the pavement, playing with our kids, talking with our friends.

In therapy, we talk about helping people identify what is really important to them. Identifying how to best use their limited resources. I woke up this morning and said a quiet prayer, chatted to Mr MK, went for a run, came home and read my bible, prepared for my work week, and I will spend the rest of today with friends before driving to find my mum. It's rare that we can reach this kind of balance. We can find a million excuses not to live according to our values, and I have a bank of those reasons that come up in my mind.

So when you extract the day, you will find how well you are living towards what is important to you. I've spent spoons on work, relationships, God, friends, health, ...

What will you spend time on?

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Proverbs 90:12

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