Thank you for your honesty
[A letter to a dear friend]
Just wanted to thank you for being honest; it was important for me to hear that you could never see anything more than friendship between us. I have actually been praying for specific guidance regarding this for a while now. For some reason, deep down I thought God can't possible care about these matters so I don't think I prayed with such faith. But as I stopped what I was doing and prayed a very specific prayer, I got a very specific answer. I expected that I would be upset when I heard a response that I wasn't expecting. But there is this peace in accepting what God has showed me. James 1: 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
There are no unanswered prayers. Sometimes the answer is no. Or not now.
And I think I was ready for this response. For some reason, I have been praying a specific prayer about the well-being of my future partner. And having a strong hope in the things I cannot see. I know without a doubt that that person exists ~ God willing, there must be someone out there praying the same prayer as I am, searching for someone to serve with, to love God with and to grow with. And I know I can provide that person with support and that person will support me when the time comes. Perhaps that person is out there making a lot of mistakes and wrong turns but eventually we will find each other. Until then though, each experience prepares me for my future partner and my ongoing service of His kingdom. So selfishly, I will ask that you help me pray that I will eventually find this partner and whoever,whenever this happens that both my future partner and I will be sure that it's God's will.
Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for a future only He can see. Corrie ten Boom.
I am so glad to have you as a friend. You are an amazing person- which you already know. You have taught me a lot about myself and the areas that I can change to make myself more Christ-like and a better person in general. And undoubtedly, this is not the end of a long friendship that we will share. Friendship can transcend distance and don't forget that I am always here to support you as a sister in Christ :D.