Gratitude list 2013

20:08:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

A gratitude list, what a great idea.

I'll get a few started here. Have you stopped and counted your blessings this year?

1. Finishing the requirements of Masters of Clinical Psychology despite many set backs administratively
2. Successfully starting a new business venture despite it's trials
3. Called a new part of the world my own
4. A mother who stands by my side even when I'm not a loving preson
5. A brother who is willing to listen to my troubles and forgive my weaknesses
6. A group of supportive friends
7. Family who love me and care for me even if they are on the other side of the world
8. Opportunities to work with clients on their problems
9. Lovely Sunday school kids who have a heart for God
10. Sunshine in the mornings
11. Health enough to do what needs to be done
12. A home that I feel comfortable in
13. A means of transport to get me from A to B
14. The means of transport is green
15. Watching up with friends in my past
16. Opportunities to visit and be with family overseas
17. Opportunities to be a support during despair
18. Learning from the various styles of my various supervisors
19. Nearing the end of my PhD
20. A great group of musical children who are willing to work together in reviving children's worship
21.  Being able to build rapport with young people, and children
22. Learning to forgive
23. Overcoming illness
24. God loving me despite my piorities shifting
25. Recovering from being robbed, regaining the feeling of safety
26. People around me who are in love, married this year or got engaged this year
27. New borns this year who have bought me such joy
28. Friends who keep touch with me even when I'm ...
29. Enjoyment of many stories
30. Ability to see new places, have new experiences
31. Hope for a better 2014

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