Why I run
I don't remember how/why I picked up running, but it's something I really really really enjoy. The Boston marathon blog had thing entry about why running. Different people run for different reasons. And sometimes I have one reason, sometimes another reason.
In my first 5km road race, I met the premier of my state and the health minister. I also met a couple of girls who wanted to come to church.
I remember running in the rain with my best friend at college. it's an exhilarating experience. You simply don't understand unless you are in the situation.
Whenever I travel, I wake up extra early to run. I love to explore the parts of the city other people normally don't see. It's somewhat scary but magical at the same time. Even if I'm drenched in sweat, I feel alive.
My PB is now half that of my original PB. In the upcoming Gold Coast marathon, I will once again be running for COMPASSION INTERNATIONAL. I ask that you support this cause.
I plan to run/walk a half marathon later this year, God willing. I'm not too concerned about my time, I'm more concerned about not being able to finish.
No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.1 Corinthians 9:27
This road isn't going to be easy. Walking this path means making sacrifices. Faith. Prayer. Support.
《為神上路》 "Going for God"
[With faith and love to embark with each step]
[Understand the inherent difficulties of the road]
抬十架就如高聲宣告 毋負你的徽號
[Carrying the cross is like loudly announcing your emblem]
[There are winds and fog ahead of us]
[And would want to hear your gentle whisper]
人遇挫敗時方可知道 孤單裡淚滿途
[When we met with defeat we will realize how lonely it is to walk alone]
懇請你大能再造 讓我抵受這煎熬
[I implore your might to remake me and allow me to withstand this suffering]
流落困惑裡只有徒勞 太悲傷也會跌倒
[To be in despair we realize we will fall if we are too hurt]
其實我也怕我 有天會蕩失半途
[In fact, I'm afraid I will get lost halfway]
要是抬頭望你 必會看守腳步
[I have to look up towards you so you would guard my footsteps]
我為神上路 重要的旅途
[To go for God is an important journey]
若信心不退卻 終點終會達到
[If my faith is sufficient then I will eventually reach the destination]
若我心堅決進步 始終會做到
[If I am determined to progress, then I will eventually be able to do it]