Recovering my self-esteem

20:42:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Because of something that happened a few months ago, I have been feeling inadequate, a loser, unlovable. As if there was something fundamentally wrong with me. I felt like I was not good enough to do x, y, z. So I have been basically punishing myself. Giving into the easiest forms of procrastination, indulging in "sometimes" foods- all the time. And as the vicious cycle goes, the more I feel depressed, the more I hide and the more I hide, the more I think that I'm inadequate.


Thankfully, God has pulled me out of the mess that I was getting myself in. Of course there are times that I still lapse. Sink back into the mud, but slowly and slowly I can see a brighter future.

We sang this song in fellowship on Saturday. It starts off by saying that we aren't perfect, we aren't special but still we can go were God calls us to go, and serve where God calls us to serve.

As I tell my sunday school kids, WE ARE ALL PRINCES/PRINCESSES of God. We are God's children. How can I let someone make me feel like I am worthless? insignificant? unloveable? I am fearfully and wonderfully made by my heavenly father. It's about time that I started to truly believe it!


I am not perfect, nor am I special

But the Lord was willing to offer up your life for me

I am often weak and will become confused
But you are the way, the truth and the life


Lord, I will go where you lead me

Lead me to the ends of the earth

And never turn back

Let the world hear our worship and our prayers

Let the revival come from us, and let us bring God's love to the people

縱然有許多的問題 我也不放棄

Although there are many problems, but I will not give up
祢大能賜給我勇氣 我會 勇敢走出去

Your might has given me courage, I will bravely go out (to the world)

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