by your side

07:17:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

There are days where you feel like you are drowning in life's stresses; whether it be school work, work pressures, relationships issues, difficulties with family members, finances. Things that you cannot solve.

Today was not one of those days. I know there are many things waiting for me to do today, but I know I am not facing any of these alone. The Lord almighty is walking beside me and providing me with strength and wisdom to face these challenges.

I will overcome!

在你身邊 詞曲:蘇郁修
Su Yu [by your side] lyrics:
抬起頭 看著天 我知道你就在那一邊
[Looked up I know that you are over there]
放開心 閉上眼 你愛慢慢在我胸前
[Release your heart,  close your eyes,  Your love is slowly felt in my chest]
總相信 能看見 你榮耀在我生命彰顯
[Always believe that I am able to see your glory revealed in my life]
求你來 引領我 從現在一直到永遠
[I Ask you to guide me from now until forever]
我只想要你在我身邊 在風雨中賜我勇氣能走向前
[I just want you by my side in the rain, give me courage to go on]
不論還會有什麼考驗 有你就有滿足完全
[No matter what test arises, through you I will be able to meet these fully]
我只想要陪在你身邊 在你愛裡滿有能力滿有安慰
[I just want to stay by your side, in your love I am filled with ability and comfort] 
不論什麼事都不改變 用一生跟隨心甘情願
[No matter what I will not change, I will use this life to willingly follow you] 

Check out their other songs/download at 
*《在你身邊》收錄在7shekels同名專輯 樂團官方網頁 ; 樂團粉絲專頁

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