讓愛留痕 Love scars
But someone who loves you more than you ever know painfully experienced scars for your sake. We are all sinners. And Jesus Christ died for our sins. That's what Easter is all about. But that's not the end of the story, not only did he die for your sins, he also rose from the dead to show that he conquer death and gives us hope of eternal life in him.
He was willing to suffer for our sake, because he loved us. He bore our sins. What is your response?
Are you willing to take Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour? If you have already taken this step, will you continue to let him lead your life?
"Let love leave it's traces"
Chinese- English TRANSLATION by kikoprincess☆歌手:角聲使團敬拜讚美
☆曲:黎雅詩 詞:甄燕鳴
在幻變中似被忘掉 獨木破舟朗蕩飄搖
[Forgotten in the magic, Like a wooden ark swaying in the wind]
奔波困苦流離 深感渺小
[Back and forth weary and scattered][There are few deep feelings]
[Suffered oppression and hate to the max]偽造笑聲人潮中打轉 太多虛假與籌算 怎麼拆穿
[Fake laughter goes around in the crowd][Too much falseness and evil contemplation] [How to expose?]
誰願意不計較條件 將真摯關注實現 [To turn sincerity into reality?]
[Who is willing to unconditionally]
無言付出身心相獻 令我溫暖
[The speechless sacrifice to make me feel warm] 讓愛留痕 是你淌著血水 鞭傷記印
[Let love leave it's traces][It's you who was dripping with blood, having marks left by the whip]
為了拯救罪人 痛苦犧牲釘死捨身成仁
[In order to save sinners][He painfully sacrificed his life for us on the cross to pay the price]
[To mercifully forgive us with this amazing grace and give us new life]讓愛留痕 是你牽著我手 伴我同行
[Let love leave scars] [It was you who held my hand and walked with me]
[To regain trust so we no longer doubt] [Worries are like the dust]含淚細看十架上刻骨銘心 慈愛烙印
[With tears looking towards the cross and I am unable to forget][The Loving imprint]
閱讀你牽掛著名字 烙在你手每度釘痕
[To read your name with concern] [Each scar left on your hands by nails]
安撫戰兢靈魂 觸摸我心
[To comfort the trembling soul][Touching My Heart]
就像母親 晝夜護蔭 伏在臂彎孩兒不抖震
[Like a mother who tends to us night and day] [The infant doesn't tremble in your arms]
那溫馨感覺沉浸 再沒遺憾
[I am immersed in that feeling of warmth] [No more regrets]
誰像恩主對我著緊 珍惜你所托重任
[Who cares for me like my gracious lord?][To cherish the important task that you have set before me]
長路夜深經過幽暗 望你指引
[In the darkest night and through the valley, I look towards you for guidance]