其實我不只一個人 Actually I'm not alone
And my friend and I were talking about death (at our chocolate high tea) and what would we do if it was our last day on earth.
Surely, I am ready to go back to my heavenly father. My closest relatives have believed in God. My friends have all heard the complete gospel- they just haven't made the choice yet. I used to think that I would go to work even if I knew tomorrow was my last day on earth. Now, I think I would rather go and spread the good news to as many people as possible, to give away my wealth to the needy and to try to make a difference in the limited time I have left.
The challenge is to have the same mentality day in day out. For your don't know if it will be you last day.
How great is it that we have a promise of eternal life so that we do not fear death. We have something better waiting for us.
While still here on earth though, Thanks my dear friends for showing me that I am not alone. Thanks for your generous support of my running and charity.
To show your support:
Chinese- English TRANSLATION by kikoprincess
Actually I'm not alone
作曲:Jimmy Wong
離去了的笑容 沒法抹去 我很想你
[The smile that was left behind can't wipe away the fact that I miss you]
還翻看你日記 字跡裡 沒記載傷悲
[And looking at your diary, the words can't record sadness]
而我每天經過 家中的暗房
[and I pass the darkened room daily]
[I try to suppress the heartbreak]
[Can tomorrow be far away?]
我用流淚作禱詞 出口慢慢生了光線
[Using my tears as a prayer to slowly explain the light]
如像黑暗裡搏鬥 被驚嚇但有轉機
[Like struggling in the dark but you can change fear into an opportunity]
袮是神是我幫助 心酸的記憶
[You are God, my help, to get me through sour memories]
袮會包紮受傷的我 求可以撇掉這痛楚
[You will bandage the injured me, and I pray you can get rid of this pain]
朝望向天邊的盡頭 珍惜一呼一吸一句一字
[To look towards the horizon and to cherish each breath, each sentence and each word]
是因你叫我自由 不要愁容苦臉
[You called me to live with freedom, not to be sad anymore]
[Actually, I'm not alone]
[I am surrounded by friends who comfort me]
而我會答應你 深淵裡可帶著歡笑
[And I will promise you that I will fill the the abyss with laughter]
我會去振作 而明天有袮愛我
[I will keep persisting because you will still love me tomorrow]
這舊事舊地總會經過 漫長夜裡
[These old things and old places will pass away, after a long night]
袮抱緊 袮抱緊 我雙臂
[You hold me you hold me hold my two arms]
來讓我欣賞這傳奇 今天終可走出悲痛之地
[Let me appreciate the wonders, today I can finally escape the world of grief]
樂觀看你我別離 心裡全然接受
[Optimistically looking at you leaving, accepting it with my whole heart]
[In fact, I can be more than one person]
[Often retained the heart to play an angel]
我會發出光采 可滿載笑聲
[I will radiate light which can be filled with laughter]
而我會答應你 今天 充滿著歡笑
[I will promise you that today is filled with laughter]