Matthew 17:20. He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Movie summary: Our main character Ren moves from the big city after his mother dies of cancer. He is shocked to find the rules of the rural town to be quite strict. He finds out that rules against going out at night, loud music, dancing, drinking, etc were because some seniors died in a car accident several years ago. One of the boys killed in the accident was the pastors son, and now, the pastor's only surviving daughter is acting out in rebellion. Our main character becomes attracted to her but finds that she is wasting her life away because she is hurt and angry.
Ren then lobbies against the town council in an effort to restore dancing in the town, particularly the dance for graduating students. He looses this battle with the town but then they hold the dance slightly out of the town.
My thoughts: I haven't seen the original so I can't comment on whether it's better or worse. The movie held my attention, I was excited, shocked, I cried, I laughed. What a good night out should always contain. I wouldn't recommend this movie for children there are highly sexualized images on screen and themes that aren't appropriate for kids, even with parental guidance. Throughout the film are many spiritual references. Ren reads that even in the bible people used music to sing and rejoice. There are themes of sin, repentance and new life.
Sometimes young people can disappoint society. Sometimes young people can make mistakes. But I say, don't write us off just yet. We can bring about change when we put our minds to it. And God, he is always ready to welcome us back into his arms, no matter how much physical or emotional damage has been done.