Back in my days...

06:29:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

My friend sent me a forward with comments that were made over 50 years ago. Things that seemed impossible or incomprehensible are now, in 2012, reality.

I remember thinking about antimatter as only an idea, I remember imagining ultra-laptops and smartphones. There were days when I could be satisfied with having just enough, not wanting more. And this reminds me of a song I sang in sunday school many years ago. Here's my rough translation:



It seems originally the world did not have lights,
Now look at the popularity of tvs, computers and telephones.

In the past people and animals lived in tree houses
Now look at how good modern high rise buildings are.

It seems originally the world didn't have mobile phones,
Look at how much of a luxury digital communications are!
People can travel the world and fly each day
And marvel at the beauty of space shuttles.

Let's praise, let me off thanksgiving, that we can live peacefully without worries.
Let's praise, sing each day, as long as we are content that we can sing each day!



Comments made in the year 1955!

I’ll tell you one thing, if things
keep going the way they are, 
it’s going to be impossible to 
buy a week’s groceries for $10.00. 


Have you seen the new cars 
coming out next year?  It won’t 
be long before $1,000.00 will 
only buy a used one.  

If cigarettes keep going up in
price, I’m going to quit; 20 cents 
a pack is ridiculous. 

Did you hear the post office is
thinking about charging 7 cents 
just to mail a letter.

If they raise the minimum wage
to $1.00, nobody will be able to 
hire outside help at the store.

When I first started driving, who
would have thought gas would 
someday cost 25 cents a gallon. 
Guess we’d be better off leaving 
the car in the garage.

I’m afraid to send my kids to the
movies any more.  Ever since they 
let Clark Gable get by with saying 
it seems every new movie has 
either HELL or DAMN in it.


I read the other day where some
scientist thinks it’s possible to put 
a man on the moon by the end of 
the century. They even have some 
fellows they call astronauts 
preparing for it down in Texas .

Did you see where some baseball
player just signed a contract for 
$50,000 a year just to play ball? 
It wouldn’t surprise me if someday 
they’ll be making more than the 

I never thought I’d see the day
all our kitchen appliances would 
be electric.  They're even making 
electric typewriters now. 

It’s too bad things are so tough
nowadays.  I see where a few 
married women are having to 
work to make ends meet. 

It won’t be long before young
couples are going to have to hire 
someone to watch their kids so 
they can both work.

I’m afraid the Volkswagen car
is going to open the door to a 
whole lot of foreign business.

Thank goodness I won’t live to
see the day when the Government 
takes half our income in taxes.  I 
sometimes wonder if we are 
electing the best people to 

The fast food restaurant is
convenient for a quick meal, 
but I seriously doubt they 
will ever catch on.

There is no sense going on short
trips anymore for a weekend.  It 
costs nearly $2.00 a night to stay 
in a hotel. 

No one can afford to be sick
anymore..  At $15.00 a day in 
the hospital, it’s too rich for 
my blood.

If they think I’ll pay 30 cents
for a haircut, forget it.

Know any friends
 who would get a kick out of these, pass this on!
Be sure and send it to your kids and grandkids,too!  

My very own warrior poet?

03:03:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

My friend shared this blogpost with me today. She is a beautiful person who is so focused on seeking God's will in her life and searching for a husband that will help her grow in faith. I am so thankful for the experiences and people who I have met over the last year. Looking back, I am really surprised with my thoughts about how the world should work.

These positive and negative experiences have taught me so much in retrospect and have shown how much I lack in wisdom. And while I am learning, I am realising more and more that I need grace. Once upon a time I think I was searching for a prince charming, but I agree with the author of the blogpost, it's about finding someone who has shown the battle scars and knows that victory is already won. And I don't think God could have taught me this in any better way- for I too bare battle wounds and I know true victory belongs to God.


In which I ramble about warrior poets, husband lists and grace

A while ago, a few friends and I were commenting on a Facebook thread about “warrior poets”, when one of my friends wrote this to another:

It wasn’t until a few days ago when I was cleaning my desktop that I found the screenshot that I took of that statement. The friend who was supposed to do the inspiring had recently entered into a relationship with someone who has an absolute heart of gold. I had the amazing blessing of getting to know them individually over the past couple of years.
She has an unwavering faith that I am so awestruck by, and her example in speech, life, love, faith and purity is so inspiring. The first time I met her, we dove into deep issues of faith, and I was struck by her honesty and authenticity – the kind that the world needs more of. Her young man is someone who pursues the heart of God humbly, and God gave me the amazing opportunity to watch him walk closer and closer to Christ during the year that he lived on my residence floor at university. We met up a few times over the past year and it was so exciting to watch God launch him into trajectories that he never anticipated heading toward.
As I observed them seeking after God about their relationship in prayer and in waiting, I was so filled with joy. I love it when God orchestrates two people to walk together for His glory, and these two truly have His purpose in mind above their own.
All this excitement got me thinking about warrior poets. The term “warrior poet” used in the sense of a godly man comes from Eric and Leslie Ludy’s Set Apart Girl ministry. It’s used to describe a man who is a warrior in defending and protecting, and also a poet in quiet and humble pursuit of God. After reading, journalling and writing so much about my own warrior poet, I once thought I had a really good sketch of what a warrior poet is. My list was as follows:
  • He must, above all, put God and His purposes above his own, passionately pursuing the heart of God, loving God with all his heart and mind and soul and strength.
  • Every day, he is passionately pursuing the mission that God has given him, both professionally and personally.
  • He rises to the occasion to defend those society forgets – the orphans, widows and the poor. He has a heart for the broken, messy, lonely, ill and the nations; compassionate for the marginalized.
  • He loves deeply and is not afraid to be authentic and vulnerable.
  • He is actively leading, serving, mentoring and disciplining others.
  • He treats his parents and older generations with respect.
  • He lives a disciplined life.
  • He knows and acknowledges that he is not perfect – and repents and humbly seeks remediating for wrongs.
  • He is a man of integrity, honesty and truth. He is growing in maturity of his emotions and character. He is admirable and respected.
  • He has a sense of humour; can laugh at self and days to come.
  • He is a good steward of time and resources.
In between the day when I came up with this list and today, God has taught me so many things. Yes, without doubt there are markers of immaturity and character flaws that will make a relationship and marriage more difficult. Yes, it would be amazing if the warrior poet’s heart of compassion matches mine. Yes, fundamental aspects of faith, theology and morality should be well-matched for a wise marriage. Yes, all the things I’ve written above make up a wonderful man.
But I’ve come to realize that I’ve bought into the law, not grace.
As I’ve been learning about grace, I’ve come to realize that it is the struggle that makes a man. It’s not being invincible to pride or fear or lust, but it is the active and constant struggle against these and all sin that marks a man. It is not ticking off godly things from a checklist, but it is choosing Christ despite the cost, and failing, then rising up again. It’s not about never making a mistake, but it is about humbly repenting and reconciling with God and others.
Fabs puts it well: “Look for the guy who is covered with scars from the fight. Look for the guy who is bloody and bleeding with this huge grin on his face because he’s confident that the war is already won. Don’t stare at each other too long. Link arms or get back-to-back so you can make each other stronger before the next attack. Then fight your way home to your true Hero.”
As I struggle with sins in my life, I pray that God will one day provide for me a warrior poet who will struggle and fight and grow with me. He can’t and won’t be perfect, but he will carry the marks of struggle with sin. He knows how broken and in need of healing he is, and that his every step is sustained only by the power of Christ. He has a story of brokenness and renewal, of failing again and again but fighting once more. It’s a story of grace, for we have all fallen short of the glory of God and need humble and true repentance before God and one another.
My dear warrior poet, wherever you may be, I am excited to hear your story one day.

I'll just check my phone for a sec

02:26:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

They say that 70% off communication is unsaid. A major turn off for me is people who can't seem to let go of their mobile phones, or their cells have to always be visible. I think it's quite rude to be using your phone when at dinner with your family or friends. I think it's ruder when there are only two people at a table and you find your phone more important than the person sitting in front of you.

My family is notorious for not picking up the cell phone- ever. It's quite rare for me to pick up the phone at all during a meal let alone during class. It gives me pains in my heart when my students pick up their phone and check facebook while I'm lecturing. And I found out it's not just me. A recent study has found that the presence of a mobile phone harms face to face conversations.

Now if the presence of mobile phones can harm face to face conversations, we should also consider the distractions around us when we meet with our maker :)

Original article

How the mere presence of a mobile phone harms face-to-face conversations

You sit down for a chat with a new acquaintance but before you're even started they've placed their phone carefully on the table in front of them. Why? Are they waiting for a call? Do they just enjoy marvelling at its chic plastic beauty? Either way, a new study suggests this familiar habit could be interfering with our attempts to socialise.

Przybylski and Weinstein asked 34 pairs of strangers to spend 10 minutes chatting to each other about "an interesting event that occurred to you over the past month". The participants sat on chairs in a private booth and for half of them, close by but out of their direct line of view, a mobile phone was placed on a table-top. For the other pairs, there was a note-book in place of the phone.

After they'd finished chatting, the participants answered questions about the partner they'd met. The ones who'd chatted with a phone visible nearby, as opposed to a notebook, were less positive. For example, they were less likely to agree with the statement "It is likely that my partner and I could become friends if we interacted a lot". They also reported feeling less closely related to their conversational partner.

A second study with a fresh set of participants was similar, but this time some of the 34 pairs of strangers chatted about a mundane topic, whilst others chatted about "the most meaningful events of the past year." Again, some of them did this with a phone placed nearby, others with a notebook in the same position.

For participants with the notebook visible nearby, having a more meaningful conversation (as opposed to a casual one) boosted their feelings of closeness and their trust in their conversational partner. But this extra intimacy was missing for the participants for whom a mobile phone was visible. When the researchers debriefed the participants afterwards they seemed to be unaware of the effects of the mobile phone, suggesting its adverse effects were at a non-conscious level.

Why should the mere presence of a mobile phone interfere with feelings of social intimacy in this way? Przybylski and Weinstein can't be sure, but they think that modern mobile phones might trigger in the mind automatic thoughts about wider social networks, which has the effect of crowding out face-to-face conversations. Considered in this way, the present findings are an extension of the wider literature on what's known as non-conscious priming (for example, the presence of a brief-case makes people more competitive).

A weakness of the study is that the researchers didn't compare the effects of the presence of a mobile phone against an old-fashioned land-line phone, or other forms of technology. So it's not clear how specific the effect is to mobile phones.

Also, as the authors acknowledge, this is just a preliminary observation that poses all sorts of future questions requiring further research. For example, did the presence of a mobile phone alter the behaviour and conversational style of the participants, or did it merely change their perceptions of the social experience? Would the effects be the same for people who are already in a close relationship?

But for now, Przybylski and Weinstein concluded: "These results indicate that mobile communication devices may, by their mere presence, paradoxically hold the potential to facilitate as well as to disrupt human bonding and intimacy."

for KING & COUNTRY - "The Proof Of Your Love" (Official Music Video)

03:29:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

If you haven't checked it out yet, please have a look at for King and Country's music video for Proof of your love. It's a really fun-movie-like experience. 

Who says Christian music is lame? 

Let's have a great week this week and really prove to others the love Christ has for us!

Proof of your love. 

For guitar tabs and my brother's testimony sharing :

Here's the making of the video

Lifecycle of a salmon: Live to die to give life to many

15:35:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

My family took me to a salmon hatchery on the weekend. During my stay in America I've had the pleasure of eating much salmon, but to see them in this light is something else altogether. In the wild, by themselves, only a few salmon will survive (about 2%), that's why hatcheries were created to facilitate the process.

We aren't the only ones that enjoy the taste of salmon, bears and other predators don't mind the taste either. But also the life cycle of the salmon is a cruel one. They are born in fresh water and when they mature, they move out to salt water. Just when they are ready to give birth they swim back upstream - where them come from to give birth. But this is a harsh journey jumping up boulders (i've seen a few miss, hit a rock and float back downstream dead). And once they are in the freshwater zone, they can no longer survive and they die. They sacrifice their lives so that many can live and to continue life.

I stood there dumbfounded. Yes, I obviously didn't pay attention during biology class at school, but how can God be so cruel to create animals that would have to die in order for their young to live? How can such a heart breaking story but their destiny? And here I was being all upset, for animals.

Then I realised. God did one better. He sent his very own son, his own flesh and blood down here to Earth to bear our sins on the cross. So that we can once again be made right with God. The one act of sacrifice in exchange for many many many lives.

And yes, once we have gained this new life, the natural response is to lay our lives down for our brothers.

The next big thing is already here- Samsung III vs Iphone 5

00:00:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

The Iphone 5 is released today. The specifications were announced earlier and devoted users were talking about it all week. Then samsung releases a video mocking those who are making such an effort to get something that they could already get.

Watch it, seriously. That's exactly what the lineup will be like (except for those who preordered). 

I have caved, I have a few i-devices. After using my macbook air for a few months I have discovered some conveniences and it is lighter, but for the same price I could have bought 3 comparable laptops or a super laptop with double the specifications. And it's the same for the iphone. How do people justify the hype, price, and accessories? Well, it's a cult. 

A cult is defined as:

A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

In today's society, we may not be prostituting ourselves to Greek Gods or worshipping Baal, but certainly there are a whole lot of similarities between the worship of these "Gods" and the way we treat technology. The iphone will do so much for me- it will organise this, that, it will make me seem popular, hightech.... 

While the iPhone or galaxy can be neutral, let's be careful of our attitude towards such devices. 

Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.Amen.

Let's join in with the sound

06:44:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

A coworker's family took me to Snoqualmie falls earlier this week. And it's a beautiful place. But if you aren't used to waterfalls you would get a shock. It's LOUD. It's like a constant gushing and roaring, and the water wasn't at it's peak.

Sometimes nature yells out. How is all this possible? How can this be an accident? The carvings on the rock surrounding the waterfall points to the existence of the wear and tear of nature. Nature sometimes screams out God's existence. Other times, like this morning, nature whispers. I love how Seattle puts a fog show on, I was blessed to do my devotion during the early morning. As I read from the word, the sky turned from black to a mystical fog. It was something magical, as if out of a movie.

Can you help but sing along to the shouts and whispers of nature? Can you help but stand in awe of it's creator?

Phil Wickham

Guitar tabs

Capo 2


(Verse 1)
G                     D
It's falling from the clouds
Am                   Em
A strange and lovely sound
C                G           D
I hear it in the thunder and rain
G                   D
It's ringing in the sky
Am                  Em
Like cannons in the night
C                G        D
The music of the universe plays

         G             C
Singing, You are holy, great and mighty
Em                      D
The moon and the stars, declare who you are
G                C
I'm so unworthy, but still you love me
Em               D
Forever my heart will sing of how great you are


(Verse 2)
G                 D
beautiful and free
Am          Em
the song of galaxies
C                 G                D
It's reaching far beyond the Milky Way
G                      D
Let's join in with the sound
Am                    Em
Come on let's sing it loud
C                   G        D
As the music of the universe plays

C                          G    D
All glory, honor, power is yours amen
C                          G    D
All glory, honor, power is yours amen
Am                         Em    Dsus4    D
All glory, honor, power is yours forever amen

Movie review: Fireproof (2008)

08:25:00 Kikoprincess 2 Comments

Movie review: Fireproof (2008)

Movie Summary: Catherine and Caleb (a fireman) are facing serious problems with their marriage. They are both so self-seeking and wanting their partner to do more for them. When divorce becomes imminent, Caleb's father challenges Caleb with a dare, a "love dare". In this 40 day test, Caleb is pushed to woo his wife and to take her criticisms and scepticism without reacting back. Catherine on the other hand is exploring her options with a doctor at work and thinks that this doctor has paid for her mother's medical expenses.

Caleb takes the lead and finds out what real love is, and finally understands that it's sacrifice. He becomes a follower of Jesus. His wife eventually realises what Caleb has been doing for her is out of love and not of selfish motives and becomes truly moved. 

My thoughts: Despite what my current pastor thinks, I loved this movie. It was made as a low-budget christian film and when you bare that in mind, you will enjoy the movie a lot more. And I think being a therapist makes me intrinsically more interested in movies like this. I watched this with my adult youth fellowship group and I think the girls enjoyed the movie more than the guys but I definitely recommend it to couples. I am yet to get the love dare book, but once I do, I'm sure I'll recommend that too.

Let's face it, we are human. So when two humans get together, it just multiplies the imperfections. For many years I thought relationships were all about what I could get out of it. And thus, no successful relationships. How could the other person satisfy my needs? How can the other person make me feel special? Instead, I am now learning more and more through movies, through examples that sacrifice and serving the other makes relationships last.

I have recently been blessed with spending time with two of the most beautiful people in the world. Their every action radiates love for each other and love for God. You know, in all their 10+ years of marriage, they have never spent a night apart. Even when they were in hospitals, even when things were tough, they went through it together. I look at their actions and I see a servant heart. The husband goes out of his way to be a gentleman and the wife makes it a point to be encouraging. Now they couple didn't get married till later in life. And you know what? I think the RIGHT ONE for me is worth waiting for too :). 

Research digest: Facebook and drinking

08:04:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

The latest NIAA newsletter has a lot to say about Facebook/ social media and college drinking.

Summary: Estimates of 83% of college student facebook profiles refer to drinking. A potential approach suggested by research: Peer initiated motivational interviewing. Another approach is to waive disciplinary action for peers seeking help for their friend's who may need medical attention (despite being underage).

My thoughts: 
We covered this topic in youth fellowship a few weeks ago. I agree that drinking is a grey area, but with at least 60% of college students drinking to harmful levels, it's out of love that we address this issue.

Although the research on social media is in it's infancy and is constantly evolving, this research has bought about new directions for intervention.
What we know is judging DOESN'T work. What these kids are saying is: If I wanted help, I prefer it be from a peer, in a non-judgemental way. And instead of stopping me from drinking, help me with my other problems (which may or may not have led to the alcohol abuse).

So, if you notice a friend who appears to be drinking a lot, why not casually mention it without being judgemental.

“Show that you’re worried about me and care about me—ask me questions, rather than accuse me of things. For example, you can say, ‘I know you’ve had a hard week and I saw from your FB postings that you got really drunk this weekend. Are you okay?’” 

Movie review: Remember the titans (2000)

23:33:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Movie review: Remember the titans (2000)

Movie summary: Based on a real story, the movie follows the drama of the division between white and black americans in 1971. Blacks and whites have to go to the same school for the first time and the high school students are naturally afraid of the differences. The story shows how it's possible to put aside the colour of your skin and the things your friends say to play a game of football together.

*I have used the word black here to stand for african americans in line with the term used in the movie. No disrespect is intended.

My thoughts: It's not the first time I've seen this movie but each time I watch it I laugh, I cry and I become engrossed with the storyline. I am still crying as I watch this. I think it's about being in America and watching this after having spent some time with African Americans I realise just how big an issue prejudice is.

I really recommend this film for those looking for a feel good movie with inspiration.

We were all made differently. But we all descended from the same ancestors and these ancestors were made by the hand of God. Before we react with hate, let us try to react with love.

Good to be alive - Jason gray klove free song of the week

08:30:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

This week's free music download from klove is Jason Gray's Good to be alive.

It's so easy to live robotically and do the minimum that needs to be done to get by the day. It's so easy to be a clock watcher at work- to sit there and watch the time pass by. But I don't want to live like that. My life is exciting because I want to live like there is no tomorrow. I want to take every opportunity God has given me to do the work he wants me to do.

How will you live? ... knowing that today maybe your last.

Jason Gray
Good to be alive

Guitar tabs-


rpt (X1)

Verse I
Hold on
        A                    E
Is this really the life I'm living?
         A                 E
Cause I don't feel like I deserve it
Every day that I wake, 
      C#m                        A
every breath that I take youve given
         B           C#m
So right here, right now
          B              A
While the sun is shining down
        E                 B
I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
C#m       A               E
Love like I'm on borrowed time
     B           C#m A   E
It's good to be alive, yeah

Verse II
Hold on
       A                    E
If the life that we've been given
        B                E
Is made beautiful in the living
And the joy that we get brings 
E                       A
joy to the heart of the giver
           B           C#m
Then right here, right now
            B                A
This is the song I'm singing out
Chorus X2

E       B 
I won’t take it for granted
C#m      A
I won’t waste another second
E     B
All I want is to give you
  C#m          A
A life well lived, to say thank you
Chorus X2 


Behind the song Jason talks about how to be grateful for the life we have.

Movie Review: Salt (2010)

03:39:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Movie Review: Salt (2010)

Movie summary: Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent who is accused of being a Russian agent (trained as a kid). She goes on the run in search of her husband and to clear her name. The movie is fast paced and shows Salt's role in bringing down the Russian organisation and to foil plans to start a world war.

My thoughts: I don't recommend this film for young people because of the vast amount of blood and violence in the film. But I think it's this exact reason that this film appeals to young adults. The movie is slightly too predictable for the genre but the action scenes make up for it- even though I knew what would happen, I wanted to see how it happens. And the movie left me wanting more, which is precisely why a sequel is in motion.

Being misunderstood is hurtful. And some people may not understand the sheer importance of being understood, but as a therapist, often the thing that couples therapy clients come in to do is to be understood. That's what family psychology clients come in for. And it's so so so frustrating when people don't understand and you feel like the whole world is against you. And it's even more frustrating when people don't want to understand.

Even better than a therapist- even better than having to go to such extremes to clear our name- GOD UNDERSTANDS. He knows. And that is enough.

Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

Mixed... and beautiful

08:44:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

There is something incredibly beautiful about mixed-decent babies. Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the home of a mixed couple. They are sooo beautiful together.

And when i saw this music video by Joshua team, I was thinking about them.

It's an incredible blessing to see people put behind them cultural differences in order to demonstrate love and to reach out for Christ! Working together for His glory is such a beautiful thing.

約書亞樂團 - 更深呼求

曲名:更深呼求 Deep Cries Out
詞曲:Christiann Koepke,Willlam Matthews

這泉源 永遠都不枯竭
敞開天上的門 從天降下
這恩典 永遠不會短缺

挑旺內心被你吸引 像攪動一口深水井
我們跳舞在聖靈裡 自由的運行
挑旺內心被你吸引 像攪動一口深水井
我們跳躍在聖靈裡 更深的經歷

來呼求 更深的呼求
來呼求 更深的呼求
我們呼求 更深的呼求 主耶穌

你呼召我們 更深的進入 聖靈河流裡
讓我們走進 聖靈水流裡 緊緊跟隨你

若是祂往左邊走 我們就往左邊走
若是祂往右邊走 我們就往右邊走
We're gonna Jump Jump
Jump Jump in the river
Jump Jump, Jump Jump Everybody

We're gonna Dance Dance
Dance Dance in the river
Dance Dance, Dance Dance Everybody

We're gonna Shout Shout
Shout Shout in the river
Shout Shout, Shout Shout

Movie review: Happy feet 1 (2006)

07:04:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Movie review: Happy feet 1 (2006)

Movie summary: The original happy feet is about Mumble, an odd penguin. While penguins normally sing a "heartsong" to attract their other half, Mumble's dad accidentally exposed his egg to the extreme temperatures causing him to be different. He can't sing. And he tap dances, something other penguins deem different. After some trials Mumble is sent away from his family and he meets other misfits who adopt him into their group.

He is eventually caught by humans and put into an aquarium. He captures the attention of the humans by his dancing and leads them back to his home where the other penguins are struggling to survive because of overfishing.

Oh, and even though he can't sing a "heartsong", he gets the girl in his own way :)

My thoughts: Happy feet 1 is suitable for the entire family. And it's a marvel, something everyone should have in their family DVD collection, a classic. The theme song music is beautiful and heart warming. I laughed, cried, gasped and sighed. I felt like I grew with mumble.

The moral of the story: Embrace your uniqueness. I am a little like mumble. I'm not good at the things people expect that I'm good at. I sometimes wonder whether others will accept me just the way I am. Will others accept me just the way I am?

While writing this review I stumbled on this blogpost ( highlighting how Happy feet is against christianity. I really disagree with this. I think, we as Christians, can learn to be more accepting and it's teaching kids a really important lesson of acceptance.

Sanctus Real - new single promises

03:43:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

I don't know much about Sanctus Real's new song yet, but I just heard it on klove and I love the lyrics.

Sanctus Real Promises

Sometimes it's hard to keep believing
In what you can't see
That everything happens for a reason
Even the worst life brings
If you're reaching for an answer
And you don't know what to pray
Just open up the pages
Let His word be your strength

And hold on to the promises (Hold tight)
Hold on to the promises (Alright)
Jesus is alive so hold tight
Hold on to the promises

All things work for the good
Of those who love God
He holds back nothing that will heal you
Not even His own Son
His love is everlasting
His faithfulness unending
Oh, if God is for us who can be against us
So if you feel weak

Neither life, nor death
Could separate us
From the eternal love
Of our God who saves us

In light of recent events, I have poured my heart into receiving God's word. Sometimes you will not understand why "bad" things happen to us, but let's hold onto the promises in the bible. All things work for the good of those who love God- and we have a stunning future waiting for us in eternity. 

Romans 8:28

New International Version (NIV)
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.