Movie Review: Salt (2010)
Movie Review: Salt (2010)
Movie summary: Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent who is accused of being a Russian agent (trained as a kid). She goes on the run in search of her husband and to clear her name. The movie is fast paced and shows Salt's role in bringing down the Russian organisation and to foil plans to start a world war.
My thoughts: I don't recommend this film for young people because of the vast amount of blood and violence in the film. But I think it's this exact reason that this film appeals to young adults. The movie is slightly too predictable for the genre but the action scenes make up for it- even though I knew what would happen, I wanted to see how it happens. And the movie left me wanting more, which is precisely why a sequel is in motion.
Being misunderstood is hurtful. And some people may not understand the sheer importance of being understood, but as a therapist, often the thing that couples therapy clients come in to do is to be understood. That's what family psychology clients come in for. And it's so so so frustrating when people don't understand and you feel like the whole world is against you. And it's even more frustrating when people don't want to understand.
Even better than a therapist- even better than having to go to such extremes to clear our name- GOD UNDERSTANDS. He knows. And that is enough.
Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.