祢永遠不會改變 - 王祖藍
祢永遠不會改變 - 王祖藍
Chinese- English TRANSLATION by kikoprincess
You never change
You never change
每當你出現在我眼前 我的世界就要改變 [Everytime you appear in front of me, my world changes]
每當你陪伴在我身邊 我們之間有無數的語言 [When you are by my side, we have so many words between us]
每當你笑著向我眨眼 我的一生是美麗花園 [Everytime you smile and wink at me, my life becomes a beautiful garden]
雖然偶而有暴風冰雪 我們的愛沒有界線 [even though there may be some occasional snow storms but our love has no boundaries]
你永遠不會改變 這是你永恆的約 [You will never change, that is your eternal promise]
我願意被你疼愛到永遠 [I am willing to be loved by you forever]
這世界我別無眷戀 跟隨你永遠不後悔 [I have no other love in this world, and I will never regret following you]
我飛到碧海藍天 想逃離你的視線 [I will fly to the ends of blue sky, to escape your view]
你仍然守候我回到你的心田 [But you wait until I return to your heart]
孤單 陪伴我的黑夜 你的愛領我出曠野 [Alone, you accompanied through the darkest night, your love, has lead me out of the desert].
Who else but you lord?