Happy Vday everyone!
For those lovers out there, remember, Love never Fails. Hope you are able to celebrate in some small or big way the love you have for your partner. And don't just show your partner that you love them today, show them on the other days of the year too!
And for those of us who are single, I still wish that you can enjoy the love around you today. May it be the love of family or friends or animals or nature. And be happy because God knows what he is doing. He is saving you for someone special. Someone worthy of your respect, care and love. And if you are going to be together for the rest of your life, what's the rush?
How do we know what love is? Examples of love are shown throughout God's word. We love because Christ first loved us. While we were still sinners, he died for us. Love is sacrifice.
1 John 3:16
New International Version (NIV)
16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
We shouldn't just go about loving those who love us. We are set apart as witnesses for Christ, so on this day where love is celebrate- Go out and love others- be God's light in the darkness!
沒有祢 那有我
[I've never entrusted my life to another, to really live because of you]
[I've never tried to use my gifts, knowing deeply that you have many (gifts)]
[Looking back at my life, there is only your fire]
[The light that has led me each step of the way, to break the obstacles to overcome the waves]
[The light that has led me each step of the way, to break the obstacles to overcome the waves]
[If there wasn't you, I don't know how there would be me today]
[If I was to walk alone, I don't know how I could have weathered the storms]
[Please lord use all the blessings you have give me to be a light]
[Ignoring the difficulties ahead on the journey, to persist completely for you]
[To use my hands, to help people find an eternal hope]
[To use my mouth, to spread praises to the ends of the earth]
[To use my heart, completely for God, to spread the word all the time]
[To offer my life to God, and strive hard].