Matthew 17:20. He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
At the moment I am making some travel plans. As much as I love the freedom of travelling solo, meeting new people, doing whatever I want, when I want. There are definitely times when I wish I had someone to share my travel gems with.
Perhaps I would meet my future partner on one of my many adventures? That's what my friends suggest anyway. There are many places that I wish to go with my future partner, that would be the fairy tale right?
Every person's fairytale is different.
But every story is written by God. If God is the author of your story, your adventure - will you live according to his perfect will?
念那天起步,懷內滿掙扎;誰料覓真理,路遠又險窄。[Thinking of the day it began, filled with internal struggles, unexpectedly sought the truth, the road is long and dangerously narrow]
越過眾山嶺,還望你鞭策,迷路我驚慌,盼為我導引。[Crossing numerous mountains, hoping to get your encouragement, panicking when i'm lost, hoping that you will guide me]
自你同上路,懷內滿興奮;同實現真理,路遠能呼應。[To be on the journey together, filled with excitement, to come to the realisation of the truth, the road is long and full of echoes]
俗世多圈套,常望你督責,求為我祝福,努力不後退。[Many secular traps of the world, hoping that you will rebuke these, seeking blessings for me, to persist and not retreat]
副歌:碰到挫拆我掛慮,肩擔重壓我困累; [When I Encountered setbacks I would become worried, carrying burdens I become tired]
一生幾多試與煉,你為我祈禱。[There are many trials and temptations in life, please pray for me]
見到快慰開心事,但願樣樣你分嚐。[Seeing happy and comforting things, wanting to share these with you]
為你感謝神:同路極珍貴。[Thanking God for you, it's precious to be travelling along the same road]