Jesus take the wheel

10:29:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

I woke up today with a song of praise. That's how one should wake up in the morning. Yet, when my eyes adjusted to the light, the burden of the day dawned on me. I have to finish my assignment and my proposal today. There is no ifs or maybes, it has to be done. And yet, there were other things weighing me down. Still, I am thankful. 

I am thankful for these challenges in my life because God wants me to grow. I am thankful that I have brothers and sisters in Christ to bounce ideas off. Even if I find that I am unable to be fully vulnerable with them, or share with them everything that is going on in my life, I am thankful. 

I am soooo blessed that there is beauty all around me. I took my camera on my morning walk today. When you look for beauty, you find it everywhere. How can my words describe the wonders of your universe? How amazing that each leaf is different, every flower unique and ever feather counted. Just as my head was pondering whether I have handled certain situations properly, I was faced with this scene. There was a swan-like bird who wasn't black, wasn't white but both. I am reminded of learning logic in school. "All swans are black", and as soon as we can see a swan that is white, the theory no longer stands. Today, I was reminded that sometimes the actions we take may not be right or wrong. And still it doesn't make it grey. There can be parts of our actions that are beneficial and others that aren't. 

I am still feeling guilty over the way I have handled situations in the past and how I am handling similar situations now. Why is escape my first thought? Why is withdrawal always part of my reflexes? Instead of protecting people and loving people, which was my original intention, I end up hurting a lot more people. Why oh why am I using my time, energy and resources worrying about such things? These burdens are too heavy for me to carry and I am making a mess out of everything. 

I need to LET GO and LET GOD take control. 

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.Matthew 6:34

I have just realised that I have started each paragraph with an "I". Let me seek more of YOU in my day! And let YOU give me hope that all these things will sort itself out. For even if I have faith as small as a mustard seed, I can move mountains. 

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