Simple solutions to life's problems

04:26:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

So I have been mourning the "death" of my jumbo green pencil for a while. I bought it on my travels and instantly fell in love with it. It's perfect for highlighting the bible, journal articles, with one stroke (and doesn't go through the page). It's beautifully designed. Unfortunately, I didn't have a sharpener big enough to sharpen the pencil. So when it "died", I resorted in carving it with a knife... yes, I used a knife. They didn't sell sharpeners big enough for this pencil at the local shops at the time. For me, knives are quite dangerous and I narrowly escaped as a child having blood gushing from the side of my neck because of one. And so, for me to resort to using a knife meant that this pencil was very important to me.
As silly as it sounds, I saw God's faithfulness through this instant. When I had safely stored the pencil away, out of sight, out of mind, and given up hope, God provided. I was out shopping for a gift for a dear friend when I found the SHAKER! Unbelievable, for $2, I saved my favorite green pencil from "eternal death".  So I might be extrapolating a little, but sometimes life's problems aren't that bad. Even though we can't immediately see a solution, God is already there planning for us. We can't even rely on our own strength (I did a pathetic job of trying to carve my pencil), or money (just couldn't find a place that stocked gigantic pencil sharpeners at the time). 

So my answer to life's problems? FAITH. For the Lord truly truly provides. 

So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided."Genesis 22:14

 Of course this is a good metaphor for things going on in my life right now. And I can attest to the fact that God provides even bigger and more wonderful things than just reviving my favorite green pencil. He has let me type right now; even when I had some nerve issues a few years ago. He has provided me with a loving family; even though we weren't always that loving. He has provided me with a wonderful group of brothers and sisters to care and comfort me. He has provided me with opportunities to grow each and everyday.

And you know what, even if we have faith as small as mustard seeds, we can move mountains.

EDIT: Had a chat with a brother in christ today about his struggles. I wish I could help, but all I can do is to help ease some of your other burdens and to pray. Add oil mate, shine for God's glory!

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