No longer a teen

09:25:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

I had a lovely chat with a brother in christ today. And since it was on the train, I am reminded that spiritual conversations we have can be heard by others. Something that came up today was, "I am not a teenager anymore" which is not only true in terms of age, but of spiritual growth.

It's easy to be complacent in our spiritual growth. When we first believe in God we might feel a sudden urge to learn everything, absorb everything, read the bible each day, sing praises all the time. We grow so much in these early days that it may mimic a type of growth spurt for children.

As time wears on and we are met with the demands of our everyday life,the things we first felt passionate about start to become like chores or habits. We start to take for granted the things that are provided to us, just like teenagers.

A lot of my research focuses on adolescence. It's a period of one's life where there is a search for identity. They go through many physical, emotional and psychological changes. BUT we are no longer teenagers. We are starting to be sure of who we are and what we must do.
We are starting be recognised as young adults and early leaders in our churches and fellowships. We have a responsibility to our little flock. And we have the responsibility to keep growing and serving. We have a responsibility to do our best in the roles God has put us in whether it be studying (as a student), looking after your children (as a parent), working (in your job), etc. We have to starnd out from the crowd. It's not just the things we say that help others grow in Christ or bring people to Christ. But the way we live. The way we persist despite adversity. The way we are gracious and compassionate despite biases. The way we love in a hurtful environment.

Even Paul, wrote that he hasn't attained full spiritual maturity. He needed to press on. Going forward despite difficulties Just like one of my best friend's told me yesterday ~ It's not just like salmon swimming against a tide, it's like trying to run uphill against a landslide. It's a tough ask, but not impossible.

13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.Philippians 3

Through You I can do anything
I can do all things
'Cause it's You who gives me strength
Nothing is impossible
Through You blind eyes are open
Strongholds are broken
I am living by faith
Nothing is impossible
I'm not gonna live by what I see
I'm not gonna live by what I feel
Deep down I know that You're here with me
And I know that You can do anything
I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe in you 

So until next time, even if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains :)

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