Living water

15:03:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Today in bible study we shared John 4: 1-38. The key take home messages for me were that Jesus came and reached out to us first, even though we were meant to be rejected. He is the only source of living water and if we drink from him, we will never be thirsty again.
We can't fill our hearts with achievements, money, romantic relationships, these will never satisfy, only Jesus will satisfy our spiritual and emotional thirst. And since we have living water flowing through us, we have a responsibility. We need to help further his kingdom. Some of us are meant to sow seeds, others are meant to reap, but we each have our own roles.

What role can I play today to further His kingdom?

From a previous post. I shed a silent tear today on the train. I have been asked the same question a few times this week by a dear brother in christ. Am I ok? Really, after all I've been through, am I ok? 

I think I am. At this moment, I finally am ok. I know God has forgiven me, and I think this morning, on the peak hour train, I too forgave myself.

God loved me when I was a wreck. He cared for me when I was a selfish hateful creature. He held me close in his arms even though I was struggling to breathe. When I did things to hurt others, when I played emotional games, when I was manipulative,... he was waiting for me to turn around. When people disappointed me, left me, abandoned me, he was there to support me. 

He has changed me slowly slowly to be a little bit more like him each day. Thank you for your mercy and your grace. 

And now? My prayer is this:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.Where there is hatred, let me sow love.Where there is injury, pardon.Where there is doubt, faith.Where there is despair, hope.Where there is darkness, light.Where there is sadness, joy.O Divine Master,grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;to be understood, as to understand;to be loved, as to love.For it is in giving that we receive.It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.Amen.

Thank you for the pain and helping me endure the pain, the hurt, the suffering. Thank you for your grace on the cross which washed away all my sins. You have searched my heart and love me just the same. 

Let me be an instrument of your peace and help me be a blessing unto others. 

So until next time, even if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains :)

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