#3- Finish a half marathon- DONE

07:49:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

Praise God! After 3 gruelling hours I've ticked off number 3 from my 30 before 30 list, leaving 10 items to cross off in the next year. I'm pretty sure there are a few things that won't be possible, but it wouldn't be for the lack of trying.

0400: Woke up
0430: breakfast and ready to leave
0500: arrived in Southport
0530: all preped up and throw away clothes in the charity pile
0600: first racers leave the mark
0609: crossed the start line, started to pray for people in the run
0616: first km body feels good, started to pray for workers
0640: first 5km, first drink stop, started to thank God for the experience
0720: 10km, starting to feel a lot of pain in my legs and feet
0800: legs killing me, 14km straight without stopping, began to walk
0840: managed to walk next few km, allowed the other injured walker with me to go ahead
0910: after 3.01 hours, crossed the finish line

It's the prep work and the pain after that took the most effort. And I am very grateful to my support team, those who cheered on in the sidelines, adidas for sponsoring my entire outfit, those who contributed to the charity effort and my God who has made this all possible.

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