John 12:24

21:02:00 Kikoprincess 0 Comments

It's been quite an interesting 2 weeks, or 2 months actually. A few months ago, I bought a whole bunch of seeds. It had absolutely no luck. I planted the seeds, God made them grow and then I went away for a few days and they DIED. 

Just before I went away on my break, I planted some more seeds and completely forgot about them. And today, when I needed to know that life carries on the most, I saw them, the little seedlings had sprung to life. 

John 12:24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

I'm not sure we can call it dating. But I was seeing this guy for a few months, online. So it was just chatting. And I guess I gave my heart away too easily. We became comfortable with each other and vulnerable with each other. But for the first time in my history, I was dumped, via text. I've heard it from my patients before. It's a cruel way to be dumped. A) because it doesn't allow the other person to be upset at you and you don't feel as guilty dumping them. B) because the other person doesn't ever get proper closure. It's a very interesting experience. To be on the receiving end. 

And usually in these moments, you would expect hope to fade and life to end. But I'm not 14/16 and I was complete before I met him. God is just so good. So, so good. There are just so many ways God has comforted me in the last few hours. 

... While I was still upset and crying, a friend called me. She never calls me. And out of the blue she called me and I told her what had just happened minutes before. 
... The timing was amazing, just as I finished up with a job and had more time to reflect. 
... It was like Devine intervention, as the borders of the state closed, it was like a sign that things should end. 
... I packed away all the things that remind me of us and it left a gaping hole on my desk, but for some reason I had purchased a plant from Bunnings that was falling apart that needed a new lease in life. And it fits perfectly. Like my life won't be empty without his stuff but be filled with restoration. 
... My seedlings sprung to life to remind me of hope. 

When something ends, it provides opportunity for new growth. 

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