Easter- what's the big deal? Told through songs

19:54:00 Kikoprincess 1 Comments

Who is this Jesus fellow?

Glorious Day (Living he loved me) Casting Crowns:

Some say he was a prophet, some say he was a kind man. I believe Jesus was God born of a virgin. He became flesh and dwelt among us. While he was alive, he told people about the mysteries of heaven and of how to live while alive on earth (to love God and to love others). Jesus allowed the people of the time to crucify him on the cross. He was buried and on the third day, he rose from the dead. He ascended into heaven where he is preparing a room for us. And he will return.
Living he loved me, dying he saved me, buried he carried my sins far away, rising he justified freely forever. And he will come again.

Lead me to the cross- Hillsong:

It's good to spend time reflecting on Good Friday the amazing things God has done in your life. When we are led to the cross of Jesus we can quietly experience his suffering, where his love was poured out for us. Reminding us that we were crucified with Christ and we no longer lives, but Christ lives in us.

Amazing love by the Newsboys:

The whole point is that Jesus came to die for our sins, and because of this act of love, we are forgiven and accepted by God. Jesus Christ, the son of God was forsaken, condemned and died- all of this for you. This is an amazing love.

Christ the Lord is risen today:

Alleluia is roughly equivalent to "praise ye the lord". I think this hymn shares the basics of the message. Christ raised from the dead, death no longer has a hold on him, the battle is won, so let us rejoice and praise Jesus Christ our Lord!

You know there are so many songs/hymns written about Easter. I am sure you have your own favourite song that really tells the story for you. But the message is quite simple. On the third day Jesus rose from the dead. That's why Easter is all about new life. That's why early christians gave out eggs to symbolize this rebirth. Easter is a very very important celebration for Christians. It's the core of my christian belief. (1) We are all sinners which is punishable by eternal death, (2) but God loved us so much that he sent his one and only son to die in our place (3) But death did not hold him, and now he gives new life to those who are willing to surrender their life to him.

Let me encourage you to celebrate with others this Easter- you can google special Easter services near you!

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